Sorry dear Iman, the news has spread throughout the desert and urban areas ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Rida

God Almighty allowed me to bid farewell to celibacy forever in May 2009. I was 38 years old at that time and I went to Al-Hibika village in Al-Kamilin town in Al-Jazeera State and married the teacher of several generations, Professor Wijdan Muhammad Othman, whose origins go back to eastern Sudan, but they had a good stay in Al-Jazeera State, where his mother is from. May God grant him good health and well-being.

The Almighty God blessed me with my first child in July 2013 after 4 years of beautiful waiting. Praise and blessings be upon God. It was a pleasant surprise when my daughter Iman came to me, as she filled my house with indescribable happiness, bliss, joy. and happiness. After that, the blessings continued, as my sons Ammar, Dhahi and Sanaa came to me, and I thank God for becoming a father of three daughters and one son, may God protect them.

Due to the peculiarity of her position as the first producer, my dear Iman, I give her special treatment and consult her on many matters, despite her young age. This has created many problems for me with her brothers, who accuse me of being biased towards her and completely ignoring them regarding their rights and duties.

I signed a secret agreement with my dear Iman to be the keeper of my secrets and share with her some details of my private life. However, she failed in this mission in good faith, so she spread the word and. divulged some of my very private secrets to her siblings, putting me in great embarrassment.

After this bitter experience with my dear Iman, I decided to break the secret relations between us and let the relationship be completely normal and within reasonable limits.

My particular advice to my dear readers, fathers of daughters, is to exercise the utmost caution and prudence in keeping the secrets of daughters and to benefit from my own experience that I have lived and reaped its fruits on the ground.

But I decided to have a new experience with my son Ammar, hoping that perhaps he would be a faithful keeper of the secrets and benefit from the experience of his sister Iman and thus give the most wonderful examples of my alignment with him.

To tell the truth, girls are affectionate and surpass boys in terms of extra attention, in addition to their mastery of studies and organization of household affairs, knowing that they play great roles that boys are completely incapable of playing, so losing them is not in the interest at all.

There are secret alliances between mothers and daughters that are very difficult to understand and discover. Therefore, those who are experiencing are advised to stay away from the circle of danger and act wisely in order to preserve the safety and stability of the family.

Dear readers, we promise you a new experience with dhikr after your failure

My experience with women, and I hope I will not be disappointed again. We, as Sudanese, naturally tend to favor men over women, and this did not come out of nowhere.

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