South Kordofan Government Launches Agricultural Area Ploughing Project for Smallholder Farmers

The Governor of South Kordofan, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdel Karim, in the Marta zone of the city of Kadugli, inaugurated this afternoon the agricultural season 2024-2025 AD through the Nafra project, plowing agricultural areas for small producers, with the full support of the state government, in the presence of members of the state security committee, the executive branch and employees of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources. The governor said in a press statement that the project targets small farmers in the locality of Greater Kadugli. He added that the war had a great impact on the economy, in addition to the shortage of corn. His Excellency affirmed the determination of the state government, through the Supreme Committee for the Success of the Agricultural Season, to work to make the season a success and increase production, which led the state government to launch a program to assist small producers and install seeds. explained that this project targets the areas of Greater Kadugli locality. He added, “We are working to deliver to the farmers an area of ​​two acres ready for cultivation after the completion of the ploughing operations which started today.” He called on the executive directors and directors of agricultural departments of the various localities to encourage the farmers to cultivate and increase their production.

For his part, the Minister of Production and Economic Resources of the State, Mr. Sayed Hammad Kafi, affirmed the determination of the South Kordofan government to make the agricultural season a success despite the circumstances the state is going through. He called on citizens to pay attention to agriculture and work to increase production. He mentioned the seed project in Al-Bardab village, through which improved seeds will be provided to farmers in the state.

Meanwhile, the Director General of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources, Engineer Hamid Al-Raqiq Allah Jabo, revealed that the targeted agricultural area in the state amounts to three million acres, with emphasis on the localities in the eastern sector. The following are the production inputs: The Director General said that the state government has worked in coordination with the White Nile State government to deliver agricultural fuel to the Tayara and Babengil regions. He indicated that the fuel is flowing smoothly to the eastern localities. Al-Raqiq stressed that FAO will provide nine hundred and fifty tons of seeds (Wad Ahmed) for the entire state. He highlighted some of the problems and challenges faced in the previous agricultural season and the one accompanying the current one, the most important being the night locust plague, indicating that the ministry has started the process of ground control. In addition to the DC forces, which in turn threaten the agricultural campaign in the localities of the eastern sector, which negatively affects the possibility of cultivating large areas in the areas where they are located, in addition to the problem of friction between shepherds and farmers.

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