Sport is an embassy “for those who understand”! – Ink and pen – ✍️ Moataz Abdel Qayyum See More

Sport is not just a physical competition, but rather a real embassy that connects cultures and peoples, in which various sects and languages ​​come together to compete in a noble and sublime sporting spirit through regional and international tournaments, through which human values ​​such as respect and peace are promoted, highlighting the importance of sport in creating strong human relations between nations and presenting a positive image of cooperation and understanding.

The role of sport as an embassy between cultures brings peoples of the world closer together

Sport is a privileged platform for the exchange of cultures and experiences through international sporting events. Players and fans have the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas, which strengthens mutual understanding in a world full of tensions and conflicts. a tool to create a safe and encouraging environment for dialogue between peoples. These environments contribute to building a global identity based on love and tolerance,

The importance of sports ethics in competitions plays a decisive role in any competition. Fair competition requires respect between players and referees, because having a sportsmanship means respecting the opponent and competing honestly, away from conflicts and attacks. the champion player and reflect the culture of the society to which he belongs, because the message of the Olympic Games On love and peace, it reflects a global message of love and brotherhood. It is an occasion that brings together athletes from different countries under the slogan. of fair competition. These regional events call for promoting the values ​​of peace and tolerance, which helps to alleviate the intensity of global conflicts between countries. When the world sees athletes competing in an atmosphere of respect, it is evident. peaceful life.

Because the impact of political conflicts on sport is evident

Sport faces great challenges due to political conflicts. Interference by politicians in the world of sport can threaten the competitive spirit and harm the performance of athletes. It is very important that sport avoids political interference in order to preserve its value and success. Athletes and federations must be more transparent and clear and avoid taking sides with a political camp.

The participation of the Sudanese delegation and its cultural connotations in the Olympic Games have gone beyond. The participation of the Sudanese delegation in the Olympic sports events was proof of the strength of culture despite the difficult circumstances the country is going through. peace and cooperation to all and the exhibition of traditional costumes and unique cultural heritage that reflects the history of Sudan. This participation underlines the need to understand sports as a means of strengthening cultural identity and achieving reconciliation between peoples.

The focus should be on sportsmanship without any pressure of any kind.

In sports, the emphasis should be on team spirit rather than pressure. Athletes should feel comfortable and encouraged to perform at their best to achieve the achievements that come from teamwork and joint cooperation. Therefore, negative emotions should be avoided and the positive atmosphere fostered can lead to impressive results in the competitions in which I look forward.

Because strengthening cooperation between sports federations in Sudan is something that must be respected, and sports federations in Sudan must unite for sustainable sports development. Cooperation between federations can thus improve the exchange of knowledge and experiences. Competition can be improved if the unity of goals between federations ensures that Sudan is represented positively on the international stage.

From here, we can develop a future vision of sport as a means of development and reconciliation. Sport can represent a bright future for development and reconciliation in the world by creating safe sporting environments. Dialogue can be strengthened and trust between societies can be built. Sport is an investment in future generations, and it is the hope of achieving sustainable peace that requires combined efforts from various stakeholders.

We are not here in a position to exclude anyone from blaming someone for what they see or saying something other than what they see, because in reality they only represent themselves, and what each of us must know is that our private problems must be solved. kept away from the competitive appearance, regardless of the results, and without representing any individual. The others have an image that does not suit them as a human being, because whether we agree or not, we live in an environment that must be integrated to innovate and. create an ideal reality in a sporting spirit away from racial or sectarian classifications, but rather in a sporting spirit, and inevitably at that time we will have to reduce the effort of one of us who works. For us, only this is for those. who understands.

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