Star of achievement in honor of media professionals in Shindi – scenes and evidence – ✍️ Absher Shajarabi

In recent years many notable and momentous events have occurred, and circumstances beyond our control have prevented our pen from writing some of his letters.

The General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications and its collaborators have remained in great support and support for the armed forces in the Battle of Dignity through various platforms, forums and press rooms.

*Year of honoring the living*

The administration has long had the habit of honoring its employees, those who have passed away, may God Almighty have mercy on them, and those who still walk in the court of the Fourth Estate (the profession of looking for trouble).

I believe that honoring and rewarding media professionals with Shindi (*Achievement Star)* is considered a form of gratitude that instills pride, appreciation and mutual respect between the director of public administration and his deputy. Thank you, brothers *Babakir Al-Azraq and Alam Al-Din Musa*

This honor was a nice gesture which was honored by the presence of Mr. *Khaled Abdel Ghaffar*, the Executive Director and Director of the Public Security Department *Ahmed Farah* and the then Acting Director of Administration* Alam Al-Din. Musa*

*And Hazem Abu Dhaid* Head of the Youth Authority for Support and Support of the Armed Forces.

*Al-Naqram Majzoub* Representative of the Abu Ashma organization

I write this so that we do not forget this honor of which I was one of the figures.

It opened a new window to let the light shine again to revive the year of honor and loyalty to the living media professionals and journalists, may God prolong their lives.

*The Star of Achievement* will remain a motivation to hone talents with perseverance and diligence to follow events, and honoring is not an end, but rather for the creativity of media professionals and journalists and to highlight practical and scientific experience and cumulative experience. new arrivals.

Indeed, the audience responded positively to the lyrics, embodying the authenticity of metal.

From the balcony there was poetry, music and singing.

I say on behalf of my colleagues that we will formulate this media message in a time of affliction with the hope that all the Sudanese people will rise to positions of true patriotism and that the white hands will come together to rebuild what the war destroyed.

Greetings and thanks to the two brothers, *Nasser Bakr*, Director of Culture, and to his right-hand man, *Abu Bakr Al-Amin*, for their great role in the success of the *Dignity Forum*, pride of a homeland, and its slogan: *A conscious people for a promising homeland*.

We will come back.




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