Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Popular Resistance – between the lines – ✍️ Zulnurain Nasr al-Din the lawyer

▪️ The sister Republic of Egypt intends to host a conference of all Sudanese political and civil forces at the end of June 2024. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the Egyptian statement and its confidence in the initiative. The Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs indicated that the one who represents the Sudanese government. There must be true representation of the silent majority of the Sudanese people whose blood has been shed, whose honor has been violated, whose property has been looted and who have been forcibly displaced. expressed by popular resistance, and thus the resistance gained political legitimacy and entered the circle of political organizational action to develop an overall national vision.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs returned the ball to the national structures of popular resistance and the States and their capacity to organize their ranks and form a popular delegation with proportional representation of all States and unanimously.

In its participation, the popular resistance must adopt all the pillars of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' discourse as the basis of its national vision. The basis for participation must first be the sovereignty of Sudan, emphasizing the existing legitimacy in the country, preserving national institutions. notably the armed forces, and refusing to weaken or question them, and the vision of the resistance must be clear about the Jeddah platform and its contribution to regional partners and internationals who will attend the conference and the limits of their role, especially since the Conference. The conference aims to achieve a purely Sudanese vision and categorically reject the presence of the sponsors of the terrorist militia Rapid Support who support it politically and who continue to provide it with deadly weapons to kill innocent people, violate honor and destroy infrastructure from the country. and neighboring countries, which the Security Council experts' report described as partners, in the passage and passage of arms flights from the United Arab Emirates to Chad via Am Jars airport, which was prepared for the entry of these supplies and from there to Darfur. nor does it accept the representation of a regional or international organization that has remained silent on the condemnation of the crimes of the terrorist militia and its serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights in all its aspects, even if she is. as an observer, because this would lead to the failure of this conference and the resistance would cling to the non-participation of the African Union and IGAD due to their lack of neutrality and their clear support to the militias and their lack of effort. to impose any external agenda or particular vision in support of the militia.

The participation of the popular resistance in the conference is a historic and political opportunity, especially since its sponsorship is Egyptian, the country which welcomed the Sudanese people in their ordeal, and given the historical links between the two countries.

The popular resistance must make urgent arrangements and approach the sponsors of the conference through the Sudanese Embassy in Cairo to participate in this conference in its national popular capacity and leave no room for political intermediaries and pretexts and blocking objectives. Thus, the delegation of popular resistance will contribute. the success of the conference and ensure its implementation on the ground in agreement with the popular administration. Will popular resistance go beyond its internal and international framework?

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