Success story: Dongola makes its market a symbol of cleanliness and order ✍️ Mr. Abdel Wahab's column

In the name of God the Merciful

✍️ Deputy to the Police Pension, Mr. Abdel Wahab

In light of the efforts made by the locality of Dongola to provide services to its citizens

The Dongola Local Safety Committee met last week and came up with a vision to work as a team so that Dongola Market will be a model for all markets, shops and sidewalks in terms of cleanliness, layout and organization and disappearance of negatives. this has led to the deterioration of the environmental and security situation.

These appreciated works were inaugurated by the Governor of the Northern State, Mr. Abdeen Awadallah Muhammad, who praised the efforts made by the local forces and other regular forces and praised this work which is among the achievements of the local committee of security of Dongola. in addition to its efforts to establish security, especially since the State received a delegation of more than one million five hundred people, stressed that cleanliness is everyone's responsibility, and not just the localities and their administrative units.

Anyone looking at the Dongola market these days is impressed by the market environment, the cleanliness and the elimination of all the negatives that were on the sidewalks of the streets and shops, which has made it the symbol of a civilized society, because cleanliness, order and organization are an important element in the life of society and the individual, and cleanliness is a culture and a way of life that everyone must adopt because it has many reasons, including maintaining a clean atmosphere and preventing disease.

This work currently taking place in Dongola market is not intended to cut off people's livelihoods, but rather an act that protects everyone from some of the new security risks in the country.

As citizens, we salute this good work and salute the governor of the state, his executive apparatus, the security forces in all their names, as well as the chief executives of the localities and their administrative units. We hope that the rest of the localities will benefit from it. of this experience.

May God protect the country and the people from the evil of the wicked. We ask God that victory comes to our forces stationed in the pits and on the front lines. We ask God to accept their martyrs, heal the wounded and restore the missing. We ask God Almighty to destroy these traitors and those who helped them among the tenants and those with a special agenda.

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