Sudan – 11 divorces every hour – A whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

Al-Sa'a 24 News website, citing the Labna Organization for Development and Community Studies, reported an increase in divorce cases in Sudan during 2023, reaching 96,000 cases, an increase of 36% compared to previous years, at a rate of 11 divorces every hour, and more than 8,000 divorces in… months, given the ongoing war in Sudan, which has led to a deterioration of the situation at a time when the country has experienced an unprecedented economic collapse with an intensification of poverty and unemployment, the cessation of daily work and the cessation of the payment of salaries to workers in the public and private sectors for more than a year and a half. The reason for this phenomenon is due to the displacement of thousands of citizens in addition to the aggravation. family conflicts due to collective housing and lack of privacy given the aspiration for a stable life away from family problems, in addition to this, a high percentage of divorce cases are caused by family interventions, especially when the wife lives with her husband's family since the latter cannot provide separate housing due to his possibilities*.

*It is quite natural that war has negative social effects. The first of these effects is the disintegration of families and the increase in divorce cases in light of the living conditions created by the war. Here, husbands should increase their resources of patience. that they do not come to hate what is permitted to God, especially if there are children, because they wear their headscarf of sacrifice, they are victims of this divorce, which negatively affects their education, and they live. far from their parents. This is where the greatness of women and men lies in enduring the unexpected trials of life. It can be said that homes are not built on love alone, but rather on patience and perseverance. Love is a state that can die through neglect. , forgetfulness, or… In circumstances such as the war conditions that Sudan is experiencing*.

*It can be said that divorce is a social bomb in which the greatest burden falls on the woman. In addition to the view of society on the divorced woman, it can be a view that contains a kind of injustice. the world merges into the man and divorce occurs, society places the responsibility on the woman because she did not protect her home and family, and what is required of the woman, in the event of a conflict between husbands, is. not to ask for a divorce, knowing that the conditions of war have made men (sit on the habasha) and that if the children are wrapped in the veil of sacrifice, then the divorced woman herself will not be saved from the sacrifice, and divorce can be a stigma that follows her wherever she goes and wherever she goes*.

*From this arises the theory of continuing married life despite the circumstances, and the challenge remains before the spouses with the strength of endurance and endurance and the search for an excuse for the other, regardless of the circumstances and regardless of the circumstances. that there are three things that are tested by three things: gold is tested by fire, a woman is tested by gold, and a man is tested by a woman, and it is shameful for a man to offer his wife a divorce in a shelter camp, in a displaced persons camp or abroad. In this case, divorce is a shame in the eyes of the man, and it is shameful for the woman to sue her husband and ask him for divorce in these necessarily known circumstances, especially those with “the last rope”, because they are the most affected and most harmful by divorce, because it is of no use after regret and any situation disappears, and it brings sorrow and remorse, and the woman bears the title of divorced with premeditation and deliberation. *.

Half a fork

*The war will inevitably end, situations will persist and memories will remain sweet and bitter. Husbands are required to exercise the harshest and most extreme levels of self-control so that the ship of their married life will sail through the sea of ​​war days. and life will return to normal.*

A quarter of a fork

*The greater the number of divorces, the greater the number of cases of paralysis and the weakness of the paralyzed, the paralyzed and the paralyzed by him.*

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