Sudan.. and possible plots – Whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

The security and economic conditions that Sudan is experiencing today have whetted the appetite of most countries in the world to make the most of the wealth that Sudan enjoys. A number of countries have become largely dependent on Sudan in their economies. , as has become evident from the conditions that the economies of these countries are experiencing since the beginning of the situation in Sudan, it can be said that there are more than four hundred million people from neighboring African countries whose countries are dependent on Sudan. Inflation rates have increased in these countries and the prices of consumer and catering goods have increased at rates that vary from 25% to more than 100%, and all these goods arrive in these countries through foreign means, legally and smuggled. are the same goods that the Sudanese government supports for the comfort of the Sudanese citizen*.

* Not to go too far, many plots are about to be implemented and some countries are seriously considering occupying the gold mines of South Darfur State, especially in the areas of Hafrat al-Nahhas, Singo and al-Radom, which are the areas exploited by the Al-Junaid company, which belongs to Hemedti, before the war. It is certain that the official state agencies are in charge. He has learned of this possible plot that is expected to take place after the fall season, and what prevents the implementation of this plan is only the geography of the region*.

*There are countries in the region and countries outside the region that are eagerly awaiting the fall of the city of El Fasher to announce the birth of a state in the Darfur region. This region has the resources that qualify it to be and be a state. are grateful to the armed forces, joint forces and other regular forces that they have defended and are still defending El Fasher in a desperate defense because the battle has become an existential battle, a battle in which only the winner survives, and these countries are in the line of support for rapid support in the implementation of this plan until the scenario of dividing Sudan and the Sudanese in the modern era is realized from within, and the challenge now remains to protect El Fasher with everything possible and to some extent. impossible, to protect it from the falls*.

*As for the countries of Chad and Libya, they have shown their clear hostility towards Sudan and have become launching pads for logistical support for rapid support and the participation of mercenaries from these countries participating in the combat axes in Sudan, from the axis of Khartoum, Al-Jazeera, Sennar, Darfur and other axes. Umm Jars airport in the state of Chad has become the source of direct logistical support. It is therefore clear that these countries are part of the war in Sudan. , which prolongs its duration and supplies the rebel militias*.

Half a fork

*As for the countries of Niger, Mali and Central Africa, they provided mercenaries who became fuel to the fire of the war in Sudan and contributed to the looting, theft and rape operations that took place in Sudan during the war period in order to achieve the desired goal. The dream of forming an Arab diaspora state on Sudanese lands is considered to be purely ethnic and tribally motivated support, or even participation in the crimes committed in the name of ending the 1956 state, in addition to raising the slogan of ending the state of the people of the Nile Strip, and a number of allegations indicating that the war against Sudan is a war in multiple directions, with multiple ambitions and interests, and with multiple armies and fighters*.

A quarter of a fork

*The war that is taking place in Sudan takes Sudan as the theatre of this war, but the parties that are designing, planning and monitoring are the hand that pulls the trigger of the gun in Sudan*.

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