Sudan-China Defense Support and Development Partnership – The Face of Truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

Observing the harvest of the last two days of His Excellency Sudanese President Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan's visit to the People's Republic of China within the framework of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum… he discovers that the visit was long-awaited… according to the standards of time lost in people's lives… Here is China on time and it has also remained at the best of the expectations of the Sudanese… whenever commitments are written and calamities and enemies attack them. That is why we must always remain attentive to the strategic and tactical aspects of our relations with this important country. Experiences have proven that a country like China should not deviate from Sudan's strategy of sustainable development, reconstruction, construction, revival and strategic defense… Therefore, Sudan's experience with China since the 1950s has remained a brilliant experience. However, the fluctuations in the Sudanese mood and Sudanese politics have caused the country not to benefit as much from this country as it should, which is regarded with respect and appreciation throughout Africa. because of its positive neutrality towards the problems. The African continent… this neutrality that prevents it from interfering in the internal affairs of countries and not practicing any kind of blackmail or subjugation for the sake of its interests… Therefore, at this important moment in our political, economic, diplomatic and security history, let us move forward in our relations with it with firmness and an iron gaze forward, without fear or consideration for anything other than our highest interests… Sudan, after and during the war, could do so. would it benefit much… if it had a clear vision of what it wants? And what are the limits of the cooperation it hopes for with the People's Republic of China? In a short time, and in two days spent by President Al-Burhan and the government staff, he was able to sign important and key development contracts that strengthen the principle of the strategic partnership that has continued to bind China and Sudan, for a total amount of 7 billion dollars, according to what was reported by several websites … As China indicated, through this Forum for Chinese. African cooperation, a total of 50 billion dollars for the development of Africa … Sudan had its share in signing a number of joint agreements between the energy and mining group under the defense industries system and companies – CHINA ENERGY – Specializing in the construction of nuclear energy and the creation of ports and airports. These agreements come within the framework of Sudan's efforts to achieve development and renaissance in various fields, especially in the field of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, in which Sudan has come a long way during the era of former President Al-Bashir… and work towards the rehabilitation and development of Sudanese seaports in order to maximize their economic benefits and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. An agreement was also signed for strategic cooperation in the fields of defense. system and the Chinese company POLY for strategic cooperation in vital and defense fields. This agreement is part of effective defense support in various military axes. It is known that these contracts will contribute to maintaining the state's defense and security readiness and increasing its effectiveness. In addition, as part of bridging the gap in the field of clean energy and solar energy, agreements were signed in the fields of solar energy, mining and transmission lines to also contribute to the production of 1,500 megawatts of solar energy. to seek to use solar-powered electrical equipment to rationalize electricity expenditure. Agreements were also signed to repair and expand electricity transmission lines and provide high-efficiency equipment and transformers. In the mining field as well, agreements were signed for the extraction of precious metals. through strategic partnerships with Chinese institutions, where emphasis was placed on iron ore, given that Sudan is rich in this metal. It is clear that these agreements with China as a whole strengthen the principle of strategic partnership that also binds the two Sudanese countries. signed a number of memorandums of understanding. In a number of development areas… This is a good indication of the success of the visit during which President Al-Burhan was able to restore Sudan-China relations to the stage of defense support and development partnership… as he addressed the forum and the world from the Chinese capital, Beijing, at the Belt and Road session of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum, praising China's role in promoting and developing relations with African countries, stressing that the China-Africa Forum has achieved tangible results, as China has fulfilled its commitments in the forum's action plans, which has effectively contributed to changing the face of the African continent, away from dictates, preconditions and interference in internal affairs. The slogan of the Fourth Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (Joining hands for modernization and building an African-Chinese community with a shared future) is a slogan that expresses a new beginning for African-Chinese relations, embodying the aspirations of China and the African people towards development, prosperity, benefit and common gains in light of a world full of political changes and risks and agendas seeking to impose restrictions on the deserved and legitimate development of African countries. Therefore, the face of the truth remains. confirming the success of the visit on the second day, and the Sudanese people still expect greater exploitation of external relations with active countries in the world and the region that promote the exchange of benefits for the sake of common interests… in support of the development of the people and their rejuvenation. Our country should also pay attention to its strategic and special geopolitical location overlooking the Red Sea, which is regarded as the world's economic gateway to Africa. We must therefore hasten to close the war file and move forward. development and reconstruction and benefit from the country's enormous resources that can contribute to the revival of Sudan and its people in a short period of time if the will for change and reform is there… Its goodness can also flow to its neighbors if they respect its national sovereignty and refrain from interfering in its internal affairs.

May you always be well..

Friday, September 6, 2024 AD. (email protected)

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