Sudan Government: What is happening in Geneva is indirect deliberations on the humanitarian situation, not negotiations

The Government of Sudan has agreed to participate in indirect deliberations in Geneva, Switzerland, regarding the humanitarian situation in response to the initiative of the Personal Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General.

A statement issued by the government of Sudan and signed by the official government spokesman, Dr. Graham Abdelkader, Minister of Culture and Information, said that indirect deliberations do not mean negotiation and any attempt to turn them into direct deliberations or negotiations is unacceptable and conflicts with the agreement.

The statement affirms the commitment of the Government of Sudan to cooperate positively with the United Nations in all that could alleviate the suffering of the population and to reach a common vision regarding the provision of relief to the displaced and needy in areas affected by repeated and deliberate attacks by the Rapid Support militia.

The statement revealed that more than 460 trucks of humanitarian aid entered through the Al-Tineh crossing.

The statement calls on the media and citizens to deal responsibly with the technical nature of these indirect deliberations and not to be drawn into the rumours spread by anti-Sudan circles.

The statement stressed the commitment of the Sudanese government to the Jeddah platform, the need to implement all the promises made therein and that the government will not agree to deal with an alternative or parallel body in humanitarian aid, unlike the government entity responsible for this, which is the Humanitarian Aid Commission and the Supreme Committee for Humanitarian Emergencies.

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