Sudan.. How does the war end? – A whale's thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The war raging in Sudan must end, because it will not last forever, and just as wars have ended in a number of countries, the war is inevitably destined to end, but there is one question that he imposes and rests on the chest of all those affected by the war, knowing that there is not an inch of the body of Sudan that has not been preserved. The hand of war reaches him, and the answer to this question lies in the desire of the Sudanese themselves to necessarily answer it. known question: how and when will the war in Sudan end? How and when will the components of the Sudanese people agree to end the conflict, which is in essence a political conflict of the first order with purely military tools, and Sudanese politicians have done so. Having managed to light the fuse of war par excellence, they became spectators of the devastation, destruction and displacement of populations, as well as the murders and rapes of women, as they followed this cursed war behind their screens television, waiting for the signs of victory. that one of the parties tilts the scales in its favor, and practices with it the same political terror and grants it what is permitted and what is prohibited to sit on the seat of power. And before that, sit on the skull of. the victims of the Sudanese people*.
*And not to go too far, the slogan (No to war), which was chanted like a parrot, and it is like Othman's shirt, failed because the throats which raised the slogan (No to war) are the same throats who chanted the slogan (Down) during the December revolution and took advantage of the deceived youth and the rescue failed, but without there being a program, a vision or goals, the rescue collapsed and those who raised the slogan “Down with her” failed to manage the Sudanese state, so they fought among themselves in the “fold” of the homeland until it turned into rubble. It should be noted that the slogan “No to war” was quietly emptied of its content because. The parties which adopted it are necessarily known and their objectives behind this slogan are known, and they did not find the sympathy of certain sectors of Sudanese society after revealing the truth about the political components which brandished the slogan ( No to war)*.
*And those who created the hashtag (No to war) were lying on their pillows in betrayal, labor and mercenary hotels after fleeing Sudan in search of salvation, just like rats escape from 'a ship moments before it sinks in search of salvation. It can be said that the Sudanese people have been burned by the fire of war and have been divided between exiles and refuges and the loss of their privacy in life is blasphemy for shameless parties and blasphemy for all politicians who lit the fire. of war and spit them out like a date stone spat out of the mouth after chewing it. Sudanese parties, without exception, have lost their validity and are ineligible and need someone to introduce them into the homes of the infirm and the elderly and issue them a permit. certificate of ineligibility for them*.
*The war will continue in Sudan as long as the components of the Sudanese people favor tribal and regional affiliation over affiliation with the homeland. The war in Sudan will continue until the Sudanese accept and recognize each other. The war will continue in Sudan until everyone is equal in the idea that Sudan is a homeland that can accommodate everyone. The war will continue until the tongues are silent and demand the end of the 1956 state, and the tongues that repeat (but that is) remain silent. Homelands are not built with empty slogans and contents, and the international community will not care about what is happening in Sudan in terms of deaths, devastation and violations as long as it does not threaten peace and international security. The world will watch as the Sudanese kill each other until death becomes a kind of luxury*.
Half a fork
*The war in Sudan will end if the battle for tolerance, transcendence and transcendence of wounds begins, and if citizenship becomes the basis of rights and duties, and if ownership of land becomes the property of the State and not hawakir with the names of the tribes*.
A quarter of a fork
*The ball is now in the court of the Sudanese, Qahta, Kaizan, the remnants, the army and rapid support. They must agree and lower the voice of lies and raise the voice of truth in order to stop the war*.