Sudan Liberation Forces gathering discusses political developments

Today, the senior leadership of the Sudan Liberation Forces held an important meeting to discuss the developments in the political and humanitarian situation in the country and how to address them. Fathi Othman Ahmed, Secretary of Information and official spokesperson for the meeting, said that the meeting praised the role of the joint forces that sacrificed their lives to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and lift the siege imposed by the Rapid Support Militia, which caused a miserable humanitarian situation in some states, which requires condemning the behavior of this militia and holding the perpetrators of the crimes accountable, including national and international human rights groups. He added that the Sudan Liberation Forces forces contribute more than 70 percent to the joint forces. He indicated that the senior leadership meetings will continue in order to take important decisions regarding the movement. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Abdullah Yahya Ahmed, Vice President, Minister of Urban Development and Commander-in-Chief, Lt. Gen. Abdullah Bishr Jali (Janna).

The article has been published Sudan Liberation Forces gathering discusses political developments First on Zoll net.

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