Sudanese Army Day.. Seventy years of giving and redemption – something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

On August 14 of every year, the Sudanese people celebrate the Day of their Valiant Army, an army linked to the modern history of Sudan since its establishment in 1954. This holiday is not only an occasion for celebration, but rather a memory dear to the hearts of all Sudanese, as it represents a symbol of sacrifice and redemption.

The slogan chanted at every Army Day celebration, “A people and an army can be sacrificed for you, my homeland,” honestly expresses the close relationship between the Sudanese people and their armed forces. The Sudanese army is not just a military institution, but rather an integral part of the Sudanese social fabric, and it sees itself as a fortified shield to protect the country and its people.

Over the course of seventy years, the Sudanese army has made great sacrifices to defend the homeland, participated in many wars and battles, and has always been at the forefront of defending truth and justice. Our brave soldiers have written the most beautiful heroic epics and sacrificed their lives for the homeland.

It is not possible to talk about the Sudanese army without mentioning the role of women in it. Sudanese women have proven their ability to assume responsibilities and play an effective role in the armed forces, and have contributed significantly to achieving many victories.

The Sudanese army attaches great importance to international cooperation and seeks to build strong relations with the armies of brotherly and friendly countries. This cooperation contributes to strengthening security and stability in the region and serves the highest interests of the Sudanese people.

I address a message to our dear youth, inviting them to join the ranks of the armed forces and contribute to building a strong and prosperous homeland. The Sudanese army is a school for training men and it offers its soldiers all the means for success and development.

In conclusion of this article, I renew my congratulations to the Sudanese army on the occasion of its founding day, and I pray to God to protect Sudan and its people, and to perpetuate the blessing of security and stability.

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