Sudanese Family Planning Association: Conflict in Sudan has led to the deaths of around 16,650 people – ✍️: Rehab Abdullah

🟣 The UN Security Council held a special briefing on the situation in Sudan on Tuesday, during which the Sudanese Family Planning Association presented a statement on Sudanese civil society presented by Dr. Lamia Abdel Ghaffar, program director of the Sudanese Association.

She confirmed in her statement to the Council that the conflict in Sudan has resulted in the deaths of around 16,650 people and the displacement of around 10 million people, and that 10 million people are at risk of starvation in areas under Sudan's control. Advice. Rapid Support Forces, and that gender-based and sexual violence has increased at an alarming rate, putting 6.7 million people at risk, noting that many women and girls have been subjected to rape, captivity and exploitation sexual activity by Rapid Support in invaded areas, during displacement, transit and temporary shelters.

She said in her statement that the Rapid Support Forces committed violations by targeting women and girls by raping and captivating them, and that the Family Planning Association documented a number of survivors and provided them with health and sexual services.

For his part, Executive Director Al-Shafie Muhammad Ali indicated that participation in the session of the UN Security Council and the representation of Sudanese civil society are the culmination of the efforts made by the association since the 16 April 2023 AD, despite security conditions. threats in all states of Sudan, including states where conflict is escalating. He said the participation also took place after a joint effort with the Women, Peace and Security Group of Non-Governmental Organizations (an international coalition that includes 18 international organizations). , emphasizing that this coalition closely monitors the association's presence on the ground and that its participation would increase international funding for the Sudan Response Plan 2024.

And also support national organizations to document human rights violations, particularly those committed by the rapid support militia against women and girls, forced disappearances, loss of breadwinners and massacres committed against civilians, the most recent of which was the massacre in the village of Wad. al-Noura. He said: “This will not be the last unless immediate international action is taken to punish the perpetrators of these crimes. »

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