Sudanese media in the battle for dignity, a decisive struggle and immense challenges – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Sudan is currently facing exceptional circumstances that require concerted efforts from all parties, including the media, to address the challenges facing the country. In this context, the Ankara Press Service Center organized a workshop titled “Towards a Pioneering Role for Journalism and Media”. Sudan,” which discussed the role of the media in the battle for dignity. A number of important points were highlighted.

The Sudanese government has affirmed its complete openness to all visions and ideas of the media and strives to strengthen coordination and cooperation with all national media institutions, with the aim of resolutely confronting the war of dignity and supporting its war media. the cohesion and solidarity of all media in the face of current circumstances, and filling the gaps that the enemy can exploit. This requires all media institutions, official and unofficial, to join efforts and coordinate media discourse to create a strong media front that supports the armed and regular forces and supports armed movements and mobilizers in the battle for dignity.

The workshop highlighted the importance of developing a media language based on argumentation and logic, with the need to reconcile national values ​​and politics, so that nothing is superior to the nation. This requires media professionals to use clear and direct language that speaks to the minds and hearts of citizens, while staying away from empty slogans and emotion-filled speeches without real content.

The workshop sharply criticized the lack of credibility of international media due to the absence of real standards for media work and their transformation into a tool in the hands of various ideologies that act according to their narrow interests. This poses a major challenge for the Sudanese media, as they must present a truthful and objective account of events, away from disinformation and falsification, in order to build trust among the local and international public.

The workshop indicated that media performance in Sudan currently lacks real standards to control it and does not live up to Sudan's long history of media work. This requires relevant authorities to work on developing the media system in Sudan, increasing the efficiency of media professionals, modernizing infrastructure and developing media content, in line with the demands of the modern era.

The workshop highlighted the need to pay attention to digital media and include them in media institutions, due to their rapid transmission of information within society, especially in light of the widespread diffusion of telephones smart, which have become mobile media institutions. This requires Sudanese media to take advantage of various social media platforms and develop media content compatible with these platforms, in order to create greater interaction with the public.

The workshop highlighted the need to formulate recommendations that contribute to improving societies' knowledge and protecting them from media disinformation campaigns, which represent a major threat to their stability. This requires Sudanese media to raise media awareness among members of society, teach them to distinguish reliable information from misleading information, and encourage them to verify the authenticity of information before publishing or sharing it.

The Acting Minister of Culture and Information, Dr. Graham Abdel Qader, estimated that what Sudan is currently experiencing is an earthquake which is part of the clash of civilizations, and that local partners and regional leaders planned this as an aggression against Sudan and its people. This poses a huge challenge for the Sudanese media, as they must expose the enemies' plans, expose the falsity of their claims and highlight the steadfastness of the heroic Sudanese people.

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