Sudanese Media Safety in the Shadow of War: The Need to Humanize the Discourse – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Sudan is currently undergoing profound transformations and a widespread humanitarian crisis, making media security a critical issue. In this context, there is a need to reconsider the concept of Sudanese national security to include an integrated media dimension, as the media has become a new arena of conflict and an influential tool for shaping public opinion and societal trends.

Media safety is not just a luxury, but rather an urgent necessity in light of the challenges facing Sudan. The ongoing war is intensifying the struggle for media influence and opening the door to the spread of rumors and fake news that threaten to undermine trust in institutions and deepen societal divisions.

In the face of these challenges, the Sudanese media must assume its national responsibility and contribute to building a strong and united society. This requires, firstly, the humanization of the media discourse, that is, transforming it into a human discourse that focuses on the concerns and needs of the citizen, and stays away from incitement and skepticism. Secondly, the Sudanese media must strive to promote common values ​​and principles among the Sudanese and work towards building a comprehensive national identity. The media parties must join forces and reject differences, but there is a unified media front in which all media are present. The “partisanships” and “exclusions” of the media are mixed together. The many names of multiple media structures convey the same message, the same objectives and the same passions.

Challenges facing the security of Sudanese media, including the spread of rumors and fake news. The war contributes to the spread of rumors and fake news aimed at destabilizing and deepening divisions. In addition to the weakness of media institutions, Sudanese media institutions suffer from poor funding and management, making them vulnerable to influence and directives, and censorship persists. Subjectivity is absent from many media institutions, leading to the spread of inflammatory and hateful speech.

Proposals to strengthen media safety in Sudan, including by strengthening the role of official media institutions, must play a central role in disseminating reliable information, educating citizens and supporting independent media. work freely and responsibly and encourage national dialogue between different political and societal forces to build national consensus on national issues and combat rumors and fake news. Mechanisms must be developed to combat rumors and fake news, as well as citizens. must be educated on how to differentiate truth from lies. Develop school curricula School curricula must be developed to teach young people critical thinking skills and imbue them with the spirit of media literacy.

Media security is a key pillar of Sudanese national security. In light of the current challenges, the combined efforts of all concerned parties are needed to strengthen media security and protect the Sudanese social fabric.

Research questions to be discussed in the future include:

The relationship between media safety and national identity in Sudan?

How can social media help improve or weaken media safety in Sudan?

What lessons can be learned from other countries' experiences in the field of media security?

How to develop media legislation that protects freedom of expression while ensuring media accountability?

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