Sudanese news headlines published this morning, Friday, August 16, 2024

Teachers' Committee: War deprives (350) thousand teachers of their salaries

♢Army bombed (40) militia vehicles near Wad Madani

♢In pictures.. The army takes control of Masid al-Sheikh al-Sa'im Dima in Umbad

♢Youth Gathering: The number of victims in the rapid support attack on Jalqani rises to (80) dead

♢UNICEF calls for end to attacks on schools in Sudan

♢Teachers' Committee: Support for the bombing of a school in El Obeid is a shameful crime

♢Militia loot food allocated to collective kitchens in Shambat

♢Kabashi: The military is still in control, and you will soon see changes on the ground for the benefit of the state and the citizens

♢Health: The militia bombed the girls' school and the Al-Abyad market in violation of international norms and laws.

♢Minawi: Rapid Support plunders Rapid Support in Kutum

♢ Accusations of supporting the looting of hospices and the beating of volunteers in the suburb of Shambat

♢Murder of citizen Abkar Adam Ibrahim and his son and looting of their livestock by militias on the island

♢Egypt opens scholarships for Sudanese students

♢ Recent photos of the Gash River confuse the citizens of Kassala, and the Civil Defense is stationed near the river.

♢Gabriel: Government will not be party to any agreement codifying the status of the militia in the future

♢ Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Continuing violations of support confirm the futility of the Geneva meetings

♢He could support Sandal's call for a national unity government

♢Specifications: Omdurman office continues monitoring efforts

♢In connection with the Geneva negotiations.. America renews its offer: (5) million dollars in exchange for Ahmed Haro

♢Arqin Crossing: More than (1,240) tons of flour and large quantities of goods were damaged.

♢ Report: After the bombing of Al-Obeid… Will the opening of schools become an adventure with incalculable consequences?

♢Nidal Abdel-Wahab writes: Delegitimizing both sides of the war is the first step to ending it

♢BBC…Dialogue on the brink: Who will lead Sudan to safety?

♢Alan Boswell: Army involvement in Jamif was not expected

IGAD: Communication continues with Al-Burhan and Hemedti, and we will see the results soon

♢A number of Sudanese refugees have fallen on their journey back from the forests of Ethiopia

♢ Rabie Abdel Aty: The US envoy's remarks on the deadline for the army to reach Geneva reflect an arrogance and arrogance that Sudan does not accept

♢Khartoum Water Authority calls on citizens to cooperate with authority teams to pay bills

♢Alan Boswell: Al-Burhan will face external pressure if he is seen as the main obstacle

♢Minawi: Abdel Rahim Dagalo is still in Darfur and seeks to control El Fasher and announce a new government

♢Experts: Geneva talks are last chance to end war in Sudan

♢Khartoum Governor Confirms Police Deployment in Neighborhoods and Strengthening of Positions

♢3 people drowned in Wadi Golo, west of El Fasher

♢Analyst: Washington wants tangible results in Sudan ceasefire talks

♢Washington: We seek to bring both sides of the conflict in Sudan back to the negotiating table

♢Arab League expresses dismay at not being invited to Geneva talks on Sudan

♢Investigation: Do the Geneva consultations open the way to humanitarian intervention in Sudan?

♢They arrived on foot… thousands of displaced people from El Fasher to the heap

♢Report: The battle for relief in Sudan. Who is responsible for starving the victims of war?

♢To celebrate the UNESCO Prize…a commitment from the government to redouble efforts to reduce the phenomenon of female genital mutilation

♢Autumn emergencies: (11) new cases of cholera and one death

♢Al-Mirghani's advisor: State institutions are the country's permanent safety valve

♢The Minister of Finance announces the cohesion of the national economy and the improvement of revenues

♢ Arab League: We reaffirm our commitment to the preservation of the Sudanese military institution and the implementation of the Jeddah agreement

♢Kabbashi meets Sudanese-Egyptian media delegation

♢ Death sentence for former soldier who joined the support

♢Saudi Arabia welcomes opening of Adre crossing to deliver aid to El Fasher

♢Leaks: Ibrahim Jaber: We have agreed to attend Geneva talks to end the crisis

♢He was received by the Minister of Youth and Sports.. Hazar.. A drug that belongs to Mozambique

♢For the second consecutive day, the Geneva negotiations continue

♢Gezira State Finance Ministry Begins Disbursement of Workers' Salaries

♢Humanitarian Aid Commissioner: The humanitarian situation is stable and there are gaps due to the blockade

♢ Effects of war.. A child was moved from Singa to Gedaref by bicycle

♢Video Trend: Message from Sudanese Artists: No to War

♢El Geneina Emergency Services reveal that (8) thousand families have been affected by torrents and floods

♢Drive a humanitarian convoy from

♢Al-Dabba Administrative Unit Sends Convoy ♢Humanitarian Aid to Flood-Affected People in Tangasi

♢Coinciding with the start of the Geneva talks… the communist demands the inclusion of civilians in all negotiations

♢Investigation: Did the army make a mistake by not participating in the Geneva negotiations?

♢Mubarak Al-Fadil: Sudanese delegation to go to Geneva

♢WATER: We are working in Geneva to stop hostilities in Sudan

♢Gabriel: The Sudanese people naturally reject threats and intimidation

Communication and Internet networks disrupted in Al-Abyad

♢The Teachers' Committee calls on those meeting in Geneva to take serious steps to end the war

♢Refuse to expand the list of facilitators. The proof for Blinken: there is no objection to sitting down with the facilitators to discuss how to implement the Jeddah Declaration.

♢For the flow of aid… the Sovereignty Council decides to open the Adre border post for a period of (3) months

♢Sudanese Doctors Network: Support is looted by the University of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Pharmacy of Sinnar University

♢Islamic leader (Naji)'s investigation with army colonel stirs Islamic media

♢An electronic window for registration with the UNHCR in Egypt

₩Sports News:

♢Al-Merreikh intensifies preparations to meet Al-Nasr Al-Libya

♢After a fierce competition with Al-Suwaihli, Libyan Al-Akhdar wins Al-Hilal midfielder Al-Mundhir

♢Al-Merreikh appoints Major General Tariq as club's football director

₩Various news:

♢Khartoum State: Popular resistance is an open national project and measures are being taken to strengthen the identity of those mobilized

♢Report: Acute conjunctivitis…a new epidemic in light of war and floods

♢Compassionate Hands…a youth initiative for environmental sanitation in Nyala

♢Specifications: Omdurman office continues monitoring efforts

♢Khartoum Security Committee supports national and state coordination to strengthen popular resistance

♢National Council for Child Protection Celebrates Receiving UNESCO Prize

♢Sudanese refugees in Tulum camp, eastern Chad, protest deteriorating services and neglect by organizations

♢Resumption of operation of the new drinking water station (JICA) in Kosti

♡ *O Allah, bless and grant peace to Muhammad, his family and his companions* ♡

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