Sudanese news headlines published this morning, Monday May 6, 2024

Court acquits woman accused of collaboration with Rapid Support in Atbara

“Governor of Khartoum State”: a trend to create emergency courts

Minawi welcomes agreement between Kabashi and Al-Helu to facilitate the arrival of aid

Ibrahim Al-Mirghani: It is impossible to return to pre-war life in Sudan

Document: Rapid Support in Saudi Arabia prohibits its employees from taking photos in military uniforms and posting on social media

A meeting bringing together the “Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs” and the “Chairman of the African Union Commission” and warning against any external interference

Khartoum confirms its support for the stability of South Sudan

Saudi authorities summon rapid support commander

Al-Kabashi of Juba: The proposed initiatives are subject to the implementation of the Jeddah Platform

The Minister of Foreign Affairs meets Mr. Moussa Faki, Chairperson of the African Union Commission

Joint force: rapid support will not fall in El Fasher except on social networks

Omar Al-Dakir comments on the agreement between Kabashi and Al-Hilu in Juba

Federal Assembly: The war in Sudan has reached an unprecedented stage

Yasser Arman comments on the agreement reached between Al-Helou and Kabashi

Website: Did the marches change the course of the war in Sudan in favor of the army?

What are the developments in the clashes in Gezira State?

They saw the formation of a security cell as a return to the “people’s security” apparatus. Sudanese civil opposition to decision to impose state of emergency in Khartoum

London Journal: Warns of Sudan conflict turning into tribal war

Public prosecutor orders arrest of 20 journalists

Freedom and Change welcomes agreement between Lt. Gen. Kabashi and Al-Helou

By dates… one year after the war in Sudan… here are the most significant events

Saudi Arabia confirms its refusal to use its land in activities that threaten Sudan

Is the decision to return to Omdurman… between facts and propaganda… adapted to the current time for the return of citizens?

The army investigates its members in El Fasher following the liquidation of two members of the Minawi movement

Airstrikes destroy jamming site in Khartoum Bahri

What is the truth about the video circulating on the arrival of support vehicles across Cameroon?

Sudanese Foreign Ministry renews accusations against Chad for its involvement in the war

In new statement…Sudanese army attempts to cut off support supplies

Ethiopia speaks of the participation of Ethiopian militias in the ranks of the Sudanese army

Saudi Arabia provides details on supportive video clip

Foreign Ministry summons Saudi ambassador to Sudan to support training

Kabbashi and Al-Helu reach agreement to distribute emergency aid in areas of both sides

Local addresses

White Nile Hajj and Umrah Secretariat completes preparations to train pilgrims

Khartoum Governor Khartoum welcomes return to work of tax office

Ibrahim Jaber chairs the meeting of the rehabilitation and development committee of Othman Digna port

Northern Mineral Resources confirms success of environmental remediation campaign at Souq Al-Qab Mining

Members of the Gedaref People's Initiative present a document to the Governor of Gedaref

Government decision requires resumption of school year in Sennar state

The governor of Khartoum, the war has affected the demand for Hajj, and he orders the pilgrims to be served

Specialized workshops to discuss Reconstruction Conference working papers conclude work

The Sovereignty Council announces the arrival of equipment to rehabilitate the Beit Al-Mal water station.

Vice-President of the Sovereignty Council meets Prime Minister-designate

Livestock vaccination campaign launched in Kassala State

Blue Nile Hajj and Umrah Administration Announces Completion of Fee Payment of 140 Pilgrims

Volunteers successfully operate water stations in eastern Nile

The Minister of Foreign Affairs meets his Moroccan counterpart

Foreign Minister meets Turkish counterpart

Machar and Kabashi discuss issues of stability and peace

South Kordofan government welcomes Kabashi-Al-Hilu agreement

Screening of Sudanese film Goodbye Julia begins in cinemas in Tunisia

Divergent opinions on the decision to resume studies at El Fasher

Egyptian Foreign Minister meets Sudanese counterpart

Al-Burhan receives condolences at Sudan Embassy in Ankara

Trending video – Al-Burhan's son is buried in his final resting place

Economic securities

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Omdurman opens the window of the Grand Market in Port Sudan

More than 200 billion pounds, the cost of agriculture in the Blue Nile region

An unexpected increase in the price of transfers via your bank's application

El Fasher: Drop in prices of goods and fuel following the arrival of commercial trucks

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