Sudanese news headlines published this morning, Sunday, August 18, 2024

Health Minister: Random mining has caused environmental destruction

♢Sudanese Doctors: Support for those killed and injured (16) in White village in Dandir

♢Planes bomb targets of Abu Humera rebellion in North Darfur

♢Rebels Kidnap Dr. Ahmed Al Wasila, Owner of Famous Pharmacies, from His Home in Kalakla

♢The number of casualties in the rebel attack on the village of Goz al-Naqa rises to 20, and the militia prevents residents from burying the bodies.

♢ Accusations of supporting the kidnapping of (13) citizens in Darfur and ransom demand

♢Renewal of clashes in the Armored Corps

♢ (6) Deaths from torture. Tutti loses more of his sons in support detention centers

♢The number of victims of the militia attack on the village of Jalingi stands at 85 martyrs and 153 injured.

♢Kabashi promises changes on the ground

♢The rebellion assassinates the former governor of Al-Qatina, Colonel (M) Shams al-Din Othman Harbi, at his home.

♢Jibril questions international community's intentions to open Adrei terminal

♢Khartoum witnesses mutual codification

♢Announcement of the opening of (5) border posts and allocation of (6) airports to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid

♢ Increase in acts of armed looting and violence in Kabkabiya

♢Militia accepts civil initiative to withdraw from Babanusa

♢The North: An increase in cases of epidemic conjunctivitis to (1569) cases

♢Angry entity denies rumors of cooperation between its members and Russian military groups

♢ Global Food: Adre's passage will expand the reach of aid to (14) famine-threatened areas

♢ Heavy rains cause serious damage in Al-Mafaza countryside

♢The specifications investigate cases of pollution linked to mining activities in northern villages

♢North Darfur: Head of the Supreme Emergency Committee Continued to be Detained in Mellit

♢Rasha Awad writes: Bani Qanbour's journalism and polishing army boots

♢Two people drowned. Al-Gash threatens Kassala and invades Aroma

♢Al-Burhan: Government delegation to travel to Geneva to meet sponsors of Jeddah Declaration

♢Sudan and Russia intend to use local currencies in trade transactions

♢Minawi met. Ibrahim Jaber receives clarifications on the humanitarian situation in the Darfur region

♢Progress: The position of the armed forces is a continuation and expansion of the cycle of violence

Al-Burhan: I informed Bin Zayed that stopping the war was in your hands by ordering Hemedti to stop killing the Sudanese.

♢High-level Russian banking delegation holds talks with Bank of Sudan in Port Sudan

♢Al-Hilu Movement: (37) deaths due to malnutrition in the Nuba Mountains

♢More than 400 barrels of juice making materials were destroyed in Wadi Halfa

Kassala was the most affected by the cholera epidemic, followed by Gedaref

Al-Burhan: Bin Zayed did not break his promise to force Hemedti to stop the fighting.

♢Creation of a free zone in Osif to facilitate trade between Sudan and Egypt

♢ An accidental airdrop on the Al-Kader camp, located in Al-Helu, near Dilling, led the army to retake the camp.

♢ Babakir Faisal writes: Al-Dardiri Muhammad Ahmed is deliberately misleading

♢I criticized his rejection of the Geneva talks. Progress: The army turned a deaf ear to the suffering of the Sudanese and listened to the warmongers

♢Linda Thomas discusses several issues with Guterres, including the humanitarian situation in Sudan

♢I have hinted at the possibility of a Sudanese army presence in Geneva. Washington: We are talking by phone with Al-Burhan

♢Egyptian journalist Mustafa Bakri: My message to the Sudanese people is the importance of unity and solidarity for the future of Sudan

♢Media: Sending forces under the pretext of humanitarian support is considered an occupation of Sudanese territory

♢Kamal Boulad: Sudanese expect bold decision from army commander

♢Analyst: Washington exerts intense pressure on the military, Security Council considers sending international forces

♢Blue Nile Tax Appeals Court Begins Operations

♢Washington: Sudanese army must determine its position on its participation in Geneva negotiations

♢Positive breakthroughs thanks to the inclusion of the army in the Geneva negotiations

♢Al-Burhan meets Sudanese-Egyptian media delegation

♢World Food: Two humanitarian convoys carrying (6) thousand tons are on their way to the Adre crossing

♢Salah Jalal writes: The imaginary achievements of the American negotiations in Geneva

♢Militia: The Adre crossing is under our control and we are committed to facilitating the arrival of humanitarian aid

♢Delegations to Geneva talks welcome decision of Sovereignty Council

Al-Burhan: Emirati officers in Hemedti (We will come to see you in a few weeks at the Republican Palace to congratulate you on your presidency)

♢The Supreme Committee for Popular Resistance in Khartoum pledges to supply weapons to the Mustafarin in the States

♢In (18) States… Health Announces Launch of Polio Vaccination Campaign in (5) States

♢Among them are Jibril, Minawi and Sisi. The political forces refuse to replace the Jeddah platform with the Geneva negotiations.

♢Al-Burhan to Sudanese-Egyptian media delegation: Geneva invitation not respected

♢Al-Burhan: We monitored a call in March before the war between Hemedti and Emirati officers

♢Religious leaders send open letter for peace in Sudan

♢King Salman Center commits to performing (1,150) free eye surgeries in subspecialties

♢Rebellion: Al-Burhan exploits the Adre passage, which is under our control, to justify his position of rejecting the Geneva talks.

♢Al-Burhan: Whoever wants to stop the war must talk to the rebels

♢ Chairman of the Tharwa Bank Shareholders Committee: The central governor seeks to cover up the practices taking place in ♢ the rebellion's accounts and their shares in the bank, which exceeded (60%)

♢Tijani Sisse: The insistence on holding the Geneva negotiations without the participation of the government is suspicious

♢The start of Sudanese Medical Council examinations in a number of states

♢United Nations: Rains and floods displace (117) thousand Sudanese in (12) states

♢Al-Burhan: Efforts to form a transitional government

♢Standards Director Calls for Inclusion of Loyalty to Sudan, National Education in School Curriculum

♢Complaints about lack of medicines to vaccinate livestock in South Darfur

♢After a break of several months due to the war… transport movement has resumed at Martyrs' Park in Omdurman

♢Egyptian journalist Mustafa Bakri: We must stop carrying weapons in Sudan

₩Sports News:

♢Al-Merreikh draws with Al-Nasr of Libya in African Champions League preliminary round

♢ Discuss important topics.. A successful meeting of the Supreme Committee for the Army Support Initiative

♢Al-Nassr of Libya completes contract with red team playmaker (Al-Ch)

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