Sudanese News Headlines Published This Morning, Wednesday, September 11, 2024 AD

Al-Burhan meets with Pan-University Union delegation

President of the Sovereignty Council meets Khatmiya delegation in the Red Sea

🔸 Al-Burhan Receives a Telegram of Condolences and Sympathy from the Emir of the State of Kuwait Regarding the Victims of the Arbaat Dam Collapse

🔸 Sudan demands end of mandate of UN fact-finding mission

🔸 Lt. Gen. Ibrahim Jaber Inaugurates New Mechanisms for Port Sudan Seaports Authority

🔸 “Jaber” announces entry of ship to carry passengers between Sudan and Egypt next month

🔸 Yasser Al-Atta: Private works destroyed the Janjaweed with shale stones

🔸 Justice Minister Discusses Cooperation Means with Thai Foreign Minister

🔸 Foreign Minister attends Arab League ministerial meeting yesterday

🔸 Foreign Minister meets Secretary-General of the League of Arab States and several Arab foreign ministers in Cairo

🔸 Sudanese Ambassador to China: The Chinese president pledged to support Sudan economically and urged Chinese companies to return to work in Sudan.

🔸 Minister of Culture and Information attends United Cultures Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia

🔸 Minister of Transport: Port Sudan ports ready to receive ships without delay thanks to recent developments

🔸 Deputy Director of Ports Reveals Great Coordination Between Them and the Ministry of Finance

🔸 Interior Ministry decides to organize workshop on customs smuggling

🔸 Khartoum Governor: Deadline for organizations to reconcile their situation expires next Sunday

🔸 Do not approve any land transactions after April 15, 2023

🔸 Darfur Governor-designate: UN mission's recommendations aim to weaken armed forces, support militias

🔸 Death sentence for collaboration with Kikel rebel militia in Port Sudan

🔸 Thousands of objects stolen from the National Museum by the militia

🔸 Kassala Expatriate Journalists Association Checks on Professor Salah Faraj Allah's Health

🔸 Collapse of Morni Bridge in West Darfur hampers humanitarian aid deliveries, UN urges solution

🔸 Federal Emergency Operations Center: (361) Cholera Cases in (3) States

🔸 Record first death from cholera outbreak in the North and cases of infection rise to (29)

🔸 River Nile State Ministry of Health reports new cholera cases

🔸 Northern State Ministry of Investment and Industry begins drafting five-year plan

🔸 Coordination meeting for water and environmental sanitation partners in North Kordofan

🔸 Halfa Executive Director Inaugurates New Water Transport Line in City's First and Second Districts

🔸 The North Darfur Health Support Committee monitors the work of state health centers on the ground

🔸 Zakat in Al-Qalabat Al-Sharqiya locality in Gedaref State distributes food baskets to front posts

The article has been published Sudanese News Headlines Published This Morning, Wednesday, September 11, 2024 AD First on Zoll net.

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