Sudanese Party Democracy Between Theory and Practice – ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Throughout the world, democratic systems always have an opposition, just as there is a government, and in elections, the one who wins represents the government, and the one who does not succeed represents the opposition. If we want to limit the issue to the transition period. in past eras, and determine the period after the signing of the constitutional document, then the political incubator is the one who agrees with the government, and there are those who criticize it, such as some parties announcing their defection. This is a natural question and an inherent democratic right, but it certainly does not mean excluding them, removing them from the scene and canceling their presence. Rather, it is about giving them the right to express themselves and criticize as citizens, and this is a guaranteed right. Indeed, the most important principles of democracy require the recognition of the other and require that practitioners of political activity accept objective and constructive criticism and the consensus that the method of free and direct dialogue represents the effective way to solve all problems. Change also goes through stages, and it is necessary to move on to the next stage of construction, which requires a high degree of awareness, responsibility and detachment. One of the biggest mistakes of change was to take root in the first stage, and all the main components must work diligently to move forward to the second stage, which is the stage of democratic construction, which requires a serious approach in preparing and preparing for the peaceful transfer of power and power through free and direct elections. . Honestly, in all justice and with great compassion, and that the beeps of the transitional period meter led to a worsening of the situation due to the extension of the transitional period, which led to a worsening of the situation, which led to a worsening of the situation. concluded with the outbreak of this cursed war, the price of which was paid by all the masses of the Sudanese people, without exception, leaders and governed.

Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi.

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