Sudanese political parties, which only produce a crisis … o proof, we have delegated ten years

_ I will continue to write and say in any forum of forums and on an occasion, that the Sudanese war (April 15 of the year) is the direct cause of which is the deep political differences within the bodies of political parties after having Reached the rule of government after the fall in rescue, knowing that the Islamists after the throne of their regime, they moved away from the political and executive scene, and they did not return under the spotlight before having discovered (surprising) That strong freedom and change itself continued to play the role of opposing each other in the name, and it is a fact that the owner of a conscience and an observer of Sudanese political affairs should be approved.
These systematic political differences were exploited by multi-target foreigners in our homeland, in Sudan, and they were sponsored abroad, and the results were the conception of a war (April 15 of the year 2023) To eliminate the Sudanese army and dismantle the Sudanese State (acres acres).
_ Of course, this reality is sufficient to make the Sudanese citizen a lack of national confidence in all our right -wing political parties and the environment on the maximum left, and reason is simple because these political parties and since their creation have had A structural defect in their (organizational) skeleton and this imbalance was not addressed, because it has become a lack of behavior and the democratic approach, so that it has not absorbed the identity of Sudanese society and Building your national conscience and establishing the unity of your soil, and unfortunately since its historical establishment, it was a greater external connection, and its internal difference linked to Mevesto's formulation for national construction is deeper, it does not So did not reign during periods of democracy and failed all revolutions, including with intelligence dealing with the December revolution of the year (2019) (made from several parts expressed by professor and journalist Suhaib Hammmad Hammad In articles under the title of the ideology of the Arab center in Sudan. How did she formed and how Janjaweed's war ended her validity!?
_ With this repeated failure, the parties immediately brought us to (April 15 of the year 2023).
Consequently, this reading necessarily confirms that our Sudanese political parties are very determined, and of course the crisis produces only a crisis, therefore the sufficiency of crises, these ..!
From there, we say to political parties (Islamists, Communists, Baathists, Federal and Parties of the Nation …… .. etc): please, get away from the Sudanese political scene, you are not worthy of The rule of the Sudanese citizen's rule now, because you are the whole direct cause of this suffering in which we live now and that we tell you when this war has caught the Sudanese people, and the Sudanese people did not find Those who were extinct by his fire except the Sudanese the army and other military institutions (security, police), and you have all left the fatherland, and some of you have left Sudan as soon as he has completed the war agreement with the commander of the militia Hamidati and his countries sponsored in his war against the Sudanese people.
_ On him _ and for all the above, we have delegated the Sudanese army to govern ourselves for at least ten years.
The commander-in the Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Abdel Fattah Al -Burhan, must make the decision to form a specialized technical committee to submit proposals to form a national legislative council of the army, of the police and security, and university professors and national personalities also of each state, and is in a hurry to complete the structures of the executive authority and to ask the leaders of the State to train voluntary popular legislative councils (because that power without spoiler) and in this reality, the parties will all reform their organizational structures and exercise their political activity in accordance with the new law to train parties, and impose themselves for the elections, and if this option rejects it must be resolved immediately and announce the training of new national political parties for young people to direct the country to security.
_ With that, we have delegated you, Burhan, because all our Sudanese political parties are miserable and controlled produces only a new crisis, and you will be more complicated and deepened homeland surgeries ,,,,,,, ,,
And you are well ,,,,,
Corresponding Saturday (February 2025)