Sudanese Radio.. The Inability of Those Who Are Able to Finish – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The circumstances of the war do not end the relationship of brotherhood and do not cancel the years of love between members of the same institution, but this war has revealed the truth about people and has lifted the masks of the so-called lie and told people that smiling at a colleague of the institution or a friend is just one of the signs of the social hypocrisy in which society lives and is deceived. He thought that the workers in the courses of the National Radio and Television Company were like them. one body. If one organ complained, the rest of the body would suffer sleepless nights and fever. Whoever looked at them would think, by social lie, that the relationship between them was like the relationship between the hand and the eye. If the eye cries, the hand wipes the tears, and if the hand hurts, the eye cries*.

*And not to go too far, the negligence of the National Radio and Television Authority was represented by the negligence of his veteran radio colleague, Haider Muhammad Al-Fadil, presenter of the most famous program of the 90s of the last century, a program with messages from expatriates. He presented a number of radio programs and established several state radio stations, where Haider Muhammad Al-Fadil remained in a state of suffering with … Diabetes, which began to affect his eyes, lost part of his eyesight and found himself confined to the walls of his room. Although there is a possibility of treating his condition in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Haider Muhammad Al-Fadil's situation does not allow him to travel to Port Sudan, much less to travel to Egypt. At a time when his colleagues and those who knew him denied his virtue, they could not even communicate with him by telephone, much less visit him or inquire about his condition and health*.

*Haider Muhammad Al-Fadil is now among those displaced by the war, residing in the city of Atbara, and between him and the radio he needs his colleagues in the radio, the general manager. , Al-Bazzi, and even the youngest employee among them, to inspect his condition before adopting the treatment process in the Republic of Egypt, since Haider is still in service, he has not yet retired. , and Haider's self-esteem prevents him from asking this question to his colleagues, but we had to send a sweet message in the mail of the general manager of the radio and his employees, that they should recognize your radio colleague Haider Muhammad al-Fadil before the days sadden you and wake you up. With his obituary in your broadcasts, and you mention his virtues as if he had crossed the earth or reached the height of the mountains, and you give him false examples, and fear the same fate for yourselves. one day not far away*.

*We have submitted this message to the Minister of Culture and Information, Graham Abdel Qader. If the radio does not do its part, the Ministry of Information should not sit idly by. If the ministry's capabilities fail to adopt the treatment of Haider, the Minister of Information. Culture can ask any telecommunications company to adopt the treatment of Haider Muhammad Al-Fadil as a matter of social responsibility. The government will not be unable to treat one of the creators of my country, besieged by poverty and illness, and who spent the flower of their youth and the most beautiful and brilliant years of their lives to seize creativity from the breast of suffering in order to make the Sudanese people happy.*

Half a fork

*Haider Muhammad Al-Fadil, I reveal here your sufferings in the face of illness to your colleagues in the National Radio and Television Company, and here is your phone number 0121523603 so that they know where you live in Atbara, so that they can find an apology to you.*

A quarter of a fork

*Until this moment, the radio remains in the category of incapacity, like the incapacity of those who manage to complete it towards their colleague Haider Muhammad Al-Fadil*.

(email protected)

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