Sudanese Religious Scholars Complain to US Congress About Militia

Sudanese Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments, Dr. Osama Hassan Mohamed Ahmed, revealed that the coming days will see contacts with Sudanese religious scholars residing in the United States, representing Muslims as well as Christians, to brief the US Congress on the violations of the Rapid Support Militia, citing the killing of mosque imams and church priests during the war that broke out in Sudan more than a year ago.

The minister said in a televised interview with a satellite channel in collaboration with the advocacy convoy to Gedaref state to support the army. He said that targeting the militia and killing a number of imams and priests indicates a lack of respect for freedom of religion.

In the same context, the convoy of preachers in support of the armed forces visited the 2nd Infantry Division in Gedaref. The head of the delegation and the Minister of Endowments announced that the preachers would stand with the army in a trench, describing those who collaborate with the army. the militia and the fifth column as traitors to the homeland and religion. The minister inspected the wounded of the Karama battle at the medical weapons hospital in Gedaref, both military and civilian, stating that the ministry maintains the Al-Armes medical mosque. Al-Gadarif

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