Sudan's foreign relations, new horizons and existing challenges – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, stressed the need to strengthen and promote Sudan's external relations, especially with neighboring countries, a way that serves the highest leaders in the country. interests.

This happened as he bid farewell to Sudan's Ambassador to Egypt and Ethiopia, Lieutenant General Engineer Emad El-Din Adawi and Ambassador El-Zein Ibrahim Hussein.

First of all, on behalf of Sudanese media professionals in Egypt, I extend my congratulations to His Excellency Lieutenant General Engineer Imad al-Din Adawy on his appointment as Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan in Egypt. We welcome its honorable presenter and his offer. him the promise of Sudanese media professionals in Egypt to cooperate fully with His Excellency in the exercise of his diplomatic functions.

Since the fall of the previous regime in 2019, Sudan has been going through a difficult transition phase at all levels, including in its external relations. In this article, we seek to shed light on the reality of these relations and the prospects for their development, emphasizing the importance of neighborhood relations for the future of Sudan.

Sudan's external relations suffer from negative accumulations inherited from past eras, international isolation, enormous external debt and internal conflicts which have affected its stability. We see signs of improvement under the current government, as it has opened up to the international community and sought to do so. restore relations with neighboring countries, despite the war conditions Sudan is currently experiencing

The development of Sudan's external relations requires a comprehensive strategy that takes into account its national interests and strengthens its regional and international position. This strategy includes strengthening diplomacy through active diplomatic missions, activating international cooperation in various fields, while striving to attract investments by improving the business environment, providing incentives to investors and opening up to global markets, in addition to effective and influential participation in international markets. and regional organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union, the African Union and the League of Arab States, to defend its interests and strengthen its role in resolving regional conflicts, call for the need to restructure the external debt , in order to reduce the burden. the economy and improve your credit rating.

Sudan's relations with neighboring countries constitute a fundamental pillar of its stability and prosperity and enable economic cooperation through the exchange of goods and services and the implementation of joint projects in areas such as agriculture and infrastructure, as well as security and stability arrangements through cooperation in combating terrorism, organized crime and illegal immigration, in addition to regional integration by activating and strengthening interaction with regional economic blocs, such as the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

The development of Sudan's external relations is a national responsibility that falls to all components of society. Through cooperation and coordination between the government, civil society and the private sector, Sudan can restore its regional and international position and ensure the development and prosperity of its people.

Ambassador Al-Adawi expects numerous files that will help implement the directives of the President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council with the Egyptian side. There are studies and research in the files of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our embassy in Cairo. requires activating and activating this research and studies.

A whisper in the ear of His Excellency the next Ambassador at Cairo Station on the need to reopen the economic and commercial attaché of our embassy in Cairo, in addition to activating and organizing the press attaché and appoint a media advisor from external media in the Federal Ministry of Culture and Information, who has the specifications of the requirements of the media presence in Egypt and the Sudanese-Egyptian media cooperation according to the needs of the digital acceleration and the simultaneity of events. international and regional relations and Sudanese-Egyptian integration.

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