Sudan's participation in any US initiative sponsored by the Emirates is a betrayal of the homeland and its people – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

In light of the events and changes currently taking place in the country, which arouse astonishment, amazement and perplexity, due to the blackout of information and facts, the blatant negligence of the official media, the deliberate ignorance of media professionals in their various specialties, and the abandonment of space for the rebellion's media to frolic without responsibility or supervision to spread their poison in support of the rebel militias on the ground, this is considered a national betrayal by using influence and position for the benefit of enemy countries.

This catastrophic situation caused confusion among everyone and raised question marks about what was happening, which was reflected in the war, which lasted for a long time and entered its second year, and the only people affected by it became the Sudanese people and the country.

In light of this laxity and indecision, the rebel militia has achieved all its objectives and the agenda of the countries that supported it, including the invasion of safe cities and villages, theft of citizens' and state property, sabotage of vital installations and other criminal acts that disregard the most basic human rights and international conventions.

Where the displacement of citizens, sabotage, murders and violations of sacred places continue, but there is no life for those who demand it, and where haste has turned into negotiations, initiatives and everything that could give hope to traitors and slanderers. return to their posts, and this is the name of the one who makes things happen with the secrecy and confidence that everyone envies.

We say to all the leaders who distract us with sweet and narcotic words in light of the clear and painful attacks of the militia and its mercenaries against the people and their property: they treated you with contempt for our spirit, so your families now live outside the country in safety and a comfortable life. He whose hand is on the water is not the same as he whose hand is on fire.

It is enough for us to be proud that the loyal members of the armed forces, with the support of the National Security Service, the police, Mustafarin, the United Forces and the Popular Resistance, are well aware of this plan and conspiracy, and they are now on the ground, fighting fiercely and confronting this militia, despite the discontent of some of the leaders who prevented the arming of Mustafarin and the popular resistance, which defends the land and honor, and abandoning it is an easy task. prey for these scoundrels and mercenaries who wreak havoc, steal agricultural crops and prevent farmers from cultivating until shortages and famine occur, which are now promoted through the international media by the countries supporting the rebellion as part of a clearly defined plan implemented internally by agents and mercenaries in order to provide humanitarian aid, which is part of their secret agenda. Providing arms and support to the rebels, who are now under continued pressure from the armed forces, has led to their retreat and the assassination of their leaders on the ground.

Despite the repeated warnings and calls from media professionals, politicians, experts, military observers and citizens to the state leadership to resolve the rebellion through military means, to close this file once and for all and to ignore the multiple initiatives undertaken by America and under the sponsorship of the Emirates, whose goal is known to all, which is to loosen the grip of the rebel militia and revive it through some agents and mercenaries inside who coordinated with them, but this call has not been answered, which is considered as

A betrayal of the homeland and an obvious conspiracy, unfortunately, on the part of some of its inhabitants who provoked this war, the flames of which afflicted the people and the homeland.

In the face of this tense situation, which is becoming increasingly complex and frustrating, despite the victories achieved, and the displaced persons in the states and outside the country are eagerly awaiting their return home, several questions arise. Citizens cannot find an answer, and the whispers have become louder, and everyone wonders who is the real leader and motivator of the Rapid Support Forces who confuses the scene and plans it. He protects it in secret and coordinates with the countries. by supporting the rebellion, he has caused the destruction of qualified military leaders and contributed to the displacement and destabilization of the population of Sudan and its stability.

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