Sudan's Strategy to Restore Security and Cope with the Deployment of International Forces – The Face of Truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

There has been much talk in the local press in Sudan these days about the arrival of large shipments of armoured vehicles and combat vehicles, as well as advanced and various weapons, at a number of African ports and airports in preparation for their shipment. .. to support the rebellion in its war against the Sudanese army and people, which has been raging since the middle of last year following a failed coup attempt to withdraw the army and seize power… This is in conjunction with what was recommended by a United Nations committee of experts last Friday… to deploy without delay an independent and neutral force in Sudan… with the aim of protecting civilians from the atrocities being committed against them… this recommendation which came in… The recommendations of the International Fact-Finding Commission on Sudan… which were mandated in October last year by the Human Rights Council in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Council by a limited majority, with 19 countries voting in favour and 61 countries voting against… while 12 countries abstained from voting… as Sudan opposed the establishment of the committee. The committee is due to the presence of many United Nations mechanisms and the Human Rights Council, with which Sudan has cooperated well. … through its mission in Geneva… supported by the directives of the state leadership… In light of this development, the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press statement on Saturday in which it said that the fact-finding mission on Sudan preceded the Council session. The new… which begins on September 10 of this year with the publication of its report… and a press conference was held on this subject… before the Council… which established it listened to it… where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the committee as lacking in professionalism and independence… and that this confirms that it is a political and not a legal body… Which supports the position of the Government of Sudan towards it since its formation… which has not been supported by any African or Arab country… explaining that the recommendations presented by the mission go beyond the limits of its mandate… and are in line with the movements observed by the Security Council on the part of well-known international powers that have remained at the forefront of hostile positions against Sudan… According to the statement, it seems that there are other agendas working in secret that depend on the influence and great influence of a number of parties that started the war and continue to support it for some time. In any case, we must take the issue with the necessary seriousness that requires Sudan to take urgent and effective measures to put an end to any plan that could lead the country to further inflame the conflict, prolong the war or disintegrate into more than one country, as is the case with some countries in our regional environment… in light of the very complex circumstances that our country is going through… at the internal, regional and international levels… the issue has become It is unbearable to wait. In light of the organized international and regional pressure to achieve a peace that guarantees space for rebellion in the aftermath of the war, we must also not rely on the idea that this is just blackmail to go to negotiations and negotiations. We must also not accept the idea that the world is divided on many international and regional issues and that it will not be able to push a decision on intervention in Sudan under any clause or capacity. We should also not count on the veto of Russia or China if the issue is raised in the Security Council. China has recently returned to its interests in Sudan, from which Sudan has come a long way thanks to the recent visit of President Al. -Burhan. So far, it has not managed to spare Sudan from the American economic sanctions imposed on it since 1997, which have inflicted heavy economic and political losses, exceeding $50 billion … despite the coordination of the Sudanese government with it on all issues. What was presented to the Security Council at that time … I also hope not to count on Russia … which is preoccupied with its war in Ukraine and imposes a great balance of interests on it in the regional and international environment. In no case will Sudan be placed at the top of the priorities to the point of using a veto in its favor … Therefore, I fear that this dependence, which previously surprised the Sudanese government with a set of resolutions presented to the Parliament, will not continue. Security Council… whose disastrous effects are still evident, making the country suffer under its weight… Also, the issue of… The International Criminal Court itself only became aware of its seriousness after it became a fait accompli. This has greatly delayed the country and deprived it of important participations at the regional and international levels. That is why we must this time take urgent and immediate measures to take crisis measures in order to abort any attempt that could impose on us a new reality that is not what it is. It is welcomed by most Sudanese. It depends on the deployment of forces or puts us under international supervision. We must also proceed with a serious plan at two levels: internal and external. As for the internal plan, it involves the mobilization of the entire society and the national level. political and partisan entities, as well as all human rights organizations and popular gatherings, Expressing its rejection of international blackmail which, if it wants to advance in the file of the protection of civilians, forces the rebellion to implement without delay the Jeddah agreement on security and humanitarian issues or delay, and specifying that this will put an end to the war that everyone is eagerly awaiting… As for the external level, all foreign missions must be active at the external level of the major influential countries and at the regional and international level. organizations… to explain the position of Sudan, concerned about peace and the return of security by implementing what was agreed in the Jeddah platform on May 11, 2023 AD… in accordance with the vision of the executive roadmap that the Sudanese government presented to the mediators… With the need for the Sudanese mission to the United Nations to organize periodic press conferences for all international news agencies to explain the developments and clarify Sudan's vision to stop the war… so as not to leave room for others to act under the pretext that they are eager for peace… We must also benefit from the lessons of the war by unifying our internal front while investing in Sudan's considerable efforts to place the country's national interests above all considerations. as well as the importance of acting accordingly in the international and regional space… without regard to external agendas… It is the face of truth alone that is pushing Sudan to strengthen its national strategy aimed at imposing peace, restoring security, and confronting any attempt to deploy international forces… This is seen as a preemptive measure that will shuffle the cards of the rebellion and its regional supporters… before they can shuffle the cards of the Sudanese government.

May you always be well..

Sunday, September 8, 2024 AD. (email protected)

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