Sumaya Al-Hadi.. Tasks awaiting the press agent – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

At a time when voices and pens were calling for the change of the Minister of Culture and Information, Dr. Graham Abdel Qader, considering that his pace was slow and did not follow the evolution of events in Sudan, especially in light of the war. the country is witnessing it, as these pens and voices see.
The citizen, before the media institutions, wants to be reassured about the conditions of the country and its situation in light of the intense foreign media campaign against the country, which has not stopped for even an hour, sowing terror, fear and panic and trying to psychologically defeat the citizen. This enormous media work, which the enemy has well prepared, has not met with any response. The national party has made an effort equal to, if not greater than, this one. That is why voices were raised and sometimes fell. , demanding the dismissal of the Minister of Culture and Information and his replacement by another more energetic and more competent in managing the media battle in this war, which is above all a media war.
Dr. Graham Abdel Qader remained in this ministry as an undersecretary and designated minister for more than six years, during four political eras from the end of the Bashir era to the present, where he worked in the first and second Hamdok governments, accompanied by the first undersecretary of the time, Al-Rashid Saeed Yaqoub, and he worked with Al-Burhan as an undersecretary individually and bilaterally, and then as a designated minister since that period, during these difficult political eras that the country has gone through and that he is going through while he has remained in his post, may be an indicator in his favor of the acceptance and good performance that were lacking in those voices calling for his removal, and Graham's situation is similar to that of the player whose fans are demanding his replacement. and who try to put pressure on the coach by chanting and shouting constantly, but the coach does not care about these voices and keeps him on the field because he knows that this player can make the difference at the decisive moment.
Instead of the change coming to the minister according to the requests that filled the archives, the change occurred in the position of undersecretary. The undersecretary, Dr. Nasr al-Din, was dismissed and Professor Somaya Al-Hadi was appointed. -Hadi took charge of many departments in the Ministry of Information, but the most important of these positions was the one in which she worked and gained great experience in managing them. This is the Foreign Media Council, and this is the bulk of the whole. because the nature of the work of the Foreign Media Council is based on the procedures, registration and facilitation of the work of the offices of foreign media institutions in the country, such as newspapers, news agencies and satellite channels, and organizing visits of media delegations and heads of media institutions who wish to conduct meetings and dialogues with constitutional figures such as the President of the Republic, the Speaker of Parliament, ministers of sovereign ministries and leaders of the country's political action and others, it also monitors and controls the offices of these media institutions and strives to neutralize them if they are not in the national interest for material or political reasons, as some foreign media do in their coverage of the war in Sudan, now that control over it has been strengthened so that it is no longer one of the threats to the country's national security.
Professor Sumaya Al-Hadi seems totally committed to her teachings in this regard.
Perhaps the extensive media campaign to which the country was subjected by the Arab and foreign media, which covered the course of the war in the country, deviated greatly from the honor and ethics of the profession, seeking excitement or tending towards neutrality in favor of the parties interested in this media coverage.
One of the shameful things was that the citizen knew the news of the war and its trends through foreign satellite channels, which injected poison into the body and were one of the ways to psychologically defeat the citizen, and the national media remained absent, especially in the early days of the war. It began to return gradually, but at a slow pace.
Sumaya Al-Hadi is waiting. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture and Information has many tasks, and the first of these tasks is to raise the voice of the national media and accelerate its pace so that it is the loudest and first source of all news in Sudan, including the war and post-war news, and that the national media strive to spread a spirit of comfort in the souls of the people and address the psychological effects and economic programs that have affected citizens in a way that restores a state of confidence and sharpens their motivation in the processes of voluntary return to the cities and villages that the residents abandoned them because of the war, and prepare citizens to participate in the processes of construction, development and reconstruction. This is on the side of the national media.
As for foreign media that operate from Sudan, whether in Khartoum State or elsewhere, there should be a strict monitoring process and immediate enforcement of the law for anyone who violates the law and media standards, as well as the expulsion and closure of the office of any foreign institution that becomes a threat to national security.
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture and Information, Ms. Sumaya Al-Hadi, can succeed in these tasks if she finds the cooperation and support of the country's senior leadership, members of the government and her fellow national media professionals to support her; and success will be her ally, God willing.