Sweet words from a woman!! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Those who dream of returning to power after having found it by chance but without achieving it, want to achieve it at the point of spears, by placing the seat of government on the graves of those we have lost and by watching over the rotting corpses that have no one to support them. cover them.

Hamdok dreams of meeting Al-Burhan, while he is younger than him, and she dreams that she will come while the Sudanese people defend her, and all the places are filled with applause with the return of the owls that lounge in the hotels of the different capitals and introduced them to their bars and their waiters.

The militia wants to make every square inch of this pure land permissible, taking up the slogan of the poet Ibn Kulthum when he got drunk:

We drink if we receive clear water, and others drink the turbidity of our country

We are evildoers, but we are not evildoers

When the child reaches our age and is weaned, the giants will bow down to him and bow down to us.

Balloon conferences that blow and burst every time and give off a nauseating smell resembling the satiety smell of cowpea salts!! And the cameras that capture every time activists putting on a fake smile, but their body language reveals their black hearts, who rejoice every time the number of victims increases, every time the displaced moan with hunger and every time a lost child cries. The result will be the presentation of power on a golden platter. No way… Done.

From my platform I look… where I see… that (the lady of farewells) cries and says goodbye every time in front of the activists and their false desires, while they believe and cover her with (whiteness)!! Which they did not do (hammer a stone)!! There is no more room for them after today… the astrologers lied even if they told the truth.

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