Talking about what is forbidden – between the lines – ✍️ Dhul-Nourin Nasr al-Din, the lawyer

▪️The prolongation of the war has caused confusion in the media space as it has become the deadliest and most influential war. Facts and information have disappeared between rumor and truth, honesty and lies. It has lost citizens' confidence in considering the media as a reliable source of information. news or information, with the scarcity of official media of the armed forces and the executive power, the citizen has become the prey of rumors.
▪️ Militia media and the “No to War” group, through external sponsorship and funding, have managed to poison the recipient's media content with false and misleading information in order to create a divide between the people and their armed forces. These days, they are active in shedding light on “betrayal” within the armed forces with their various agencies, and unfortunately, many patriotic activists in the media have seized on this toxic substance and promoted it, either out of concern and compassion or to gain media attention and precedence.
▪️We do not completely deny the sanctity of the institution, its inviolability against intrusions and the absence of internal defects, but we must not reach the level of high treason against the institution of the armed forces through the actions of people. proven, we must first verify the news and pass it on to the processing agencies, not seize it, support its credibility, sanction the act of treason, and inflame public opinion. The public is against our armed forces, and we don't help that. to spread and spread, and that we are not spokespersons under the guise of patriotism, which is deadlier and more influential than the content creator, and that we achieve their goals.
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