Targeting the artillery commands of Atbara and the 3rd Division in Shindi will only make them stronger and more powerful ✍️ Absher Shajarabi

I beg your pardon, my teacher *Prince Cavut*

Talking about the latest news, posts, analysis and tweets in the following *Shandy*

The Al-Qahta halls adopted this model of propaganda and poisonous analysis after their frenzied campaign failed to attack the commander of the third division, Major General Hamdan Abdul Rahman, who represents the biggest obstacle to the rebels in the attack on Shendi. , leading a cheap campaign against a person, the leader *Hamdan* is sometimes attributed to the Rizeigat tribe in a malicious reference to accuse him of collusion with the Dagalo, and sometimes they attribute him an affiliation with the Misseriya to cast doubt on his role. leader who foiled all their plans towards *Shendi*. Their trials were filled with corners to attack the man and failed.

So they headed north to attack Major General Muhammad al-Amin with a blatant forgery of a false letter to attack the commander of the artillery, against whom they directed their cheap slander to distort the image of the artillery, its knights and its commander. Their rumors said that the artillery of Dalqin was facing the artillery with shots and sparks. After that, their hurricane from Sakhm headed towards Brigadier General Adel al-Afandi and the officers of the third division to challenge their honesty, delirious with their ridiculous games. will deceive the mind of a sheep of the *Nile River* and *Shendi*, not to mention the minds of the people of the *Nile River State*

And now they repeat the hatred, with the same absurdity, the same superficiality and the same miserable contempt, this time in the name of the prisoners among the remnants of the remnants, the mercenaries and thugs who were captured by the forces of the Third Division with valour and sacrifice.

Because they lost their battles on all fronts and their attempts to penetrate the rebellious Shendi and the leaping Nile failed, their cheap platforms were active in a systematic campaign to create fear and anxiety among the people of the Nile, referring to the number of prisoners or those who voluntarily surrendered to the Third Division with their equipment and equipment, which caused shock and frustration among the remaining stupid mercenaries.

What is said about the number of prisoners in the Third Division is a clear indication of the collapse of the Al-Dagalo gang, and that is why this cheap campaign is activated to attack the commander of the Third Division, his soldiers and officers. In the media, no matter how superficial and simple the general public is, it is a cheap campaign that exposes the superficiality and stupidity of these bastards and confirms that they are a group of frivolous, frivolous and rowdy methods. , transparency, and a slander of the deacons, because it is unreasonable to respond to such calls of a high degree of repeated stupidity, but this is the doctrine of these scoundrels and those who follow them, including shameless humiliations, progress, etc. It is very funny to point out the danger posed by the prisoners and those who voluntarily surrendered to the armed forces, who managed to crush even their attempts to march by reaching the base of the Third Division.

So they resorted to spreading rumors after the failure of their weapons and were ready to reach a sheep in Wadi Al-Otib. Then they tried to undermine the trust of the people of the state and Sudan in the Third Division, in the manner of. *Youssef Ezzat* the liar *and Imran* Al-Awir *and the Mongol Slak* We say to them: Stay in your humiliation, illusion and frustration. Instead of spreading rumors about *Shendi* and his fall, feel your. pants, because the story of your end in the axis of the refinery, jelly and honeycomb has its letters written and its fingerprints written on it. If you want to attack Hamdan with rumors, he will attack you with a new kit and you will have to prepare garbage bags with which to collect the remains of the hypocrites. Of your vile bodies, because the new waiting period is cut into four *And my world is gone and your happiness is gone* As for shaking, falling and falling again, these are shameless insults.

*Laughter is a condition for you*

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