Technical Committee for Localization of School Feeding in Abu Habal Agricultural Project in North Kordofan State Stresses Importance of Project Implementation

The technical committee of the school feeding localization project in the Khor Abu Habal agricultural project in North Kordofan State held an important meeting to discuss the latest implementation of the study, according to which a survey was conducted among the communities benefiting from the project in the extension lands of the Abu Habal agricultural project in the localities of Al-Rahad Abu Dakna and Umm Rawaba.

For his part, the Chairman of the Technical Committee and Director of the School Nutrition Department of North Kordofan State, Mr. Ibrahim Mahmoud, presented all the steps that were taken within the framework of the project before the outbreak of the war. The meeting was to submit a detailed report of the committee to Mr. Governor Abdul Khaliq Abdul Latif Wada'ullah, and what is needed to complete the analysis of the information and data that have been provided by the communities located on the project lands until. There is a project document that is presented to the educational partners as well as national and international donors, as the project is considered as one of the development projects with a strategic dimension for the food security of Kordofan.

In the same context, the Director of the Development Planning Department of North Kordofan State, Ms. Amna Haj Al-Sheikh, stressed the importance of implementing the project and the interest in analyzing the data collected by the technical committee that participated in the survey. In cooperation with experts from Kordofan University, Al-Sheikh said that the project is considered one of the development and strategic projects that must be implemented immediately after the war, therefore the preparation of all technical procedures is more necessary than ever.

For his part, the representative of the Department of Investigation and Chairman of the Joint Technical Committee for the Study of State Agricultural Plans, Engineer Adam, said: The conflict-free certificates that were extracted for an area (50 thousand acres) confirm the communities He added that these certificates will help us technically to plan plans and extract sketches for all target areas.

In this context, the director of Eco Sudan Organization for Combating Drought and Desertification and rapporteur of the technical committee, Mr. Suhaib, said that the data analysis paves the way for placing the project among the post-war projects.

For his part, the representative of the technical team of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources of the State, Engineer Abdul Latif, said that issuing conflict-free certificates and having them signed by the competent authorities necessarily means that there has been a project according to the specified areas. We, at the ministry, have important information about these lands and their mapping will help to complete the analysis of the data and information that was collected from the survey teams that visited the project lands and the beneficiary communities. studies of the project until the drafting of its document and its economic feasibility.

For her part, Ms. Mastura, a member of the technical committee of the Foreign Aid Department of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Finance of the State, said that the World Food Program warned us some time ago that it would gradually withdraw from school feeding, and states must adopt new ideas to localize school feeding in order to fill the shortage. Mastura added that the Rural Communities Initiative in the locality of Umm Rawaba helped us to have a vision to solve the problem at the local level, and the World Food Program blessed this step, and even sent international delegates to visit the project lands and rural communities in the localities of Al-Rahad Abu Dakna and Umm Rawaba, and took their opinions, which were positive and motivating for the implementation of the project, and this is what made Be ready to participate in financing the project infrastructure.

Mastura stressed that the state government must speed up and consider completing the studies for the project so that it becomes a reality.

The participants stressed that what has been done under the project is considered a very important effort. All that remains is to provide the necessary funding to contract experts from Kordofan University and other relevant parties to analyze this data and information in order to prepare the project document. that it is ready for implementation, whether through international grants, national and international companies or loans.

It is worth noting that the Federal Ministry of Finance approved the amount of fifty million Sudanese pounds in the budget of the year (2022) for the studies, in addition to approving the amount of thirty million Sudanese pounds allocated for the zero waste study presented by the Federal Ministry of Finance Eco Sudan Drought Relief Organization.

In this context, the meeting ended with the submission of a detailed report to the Governor, Mr. Abdul Khaliq Abdul Latif Wada' Allah.

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