Technology and War: A Double Impact on the Mental Health of Families – Something for the Fatherland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The Arab world is witnessing rapid transformations at all levels, as the effects of rapid technological development overlap with the political and social crises that are ravaging the region. These complex interactions create an incubator environment for the psychological challenges facing the Arab family. In this article, we will delve deeper into the analysis of the relationship between technology and war, as well as how these two factors directly and indirectly affect the mental health of individuals, families, and Arab society, with a focus on the case of young Sudanese people residing in Egypt.

The impact of technology on mental health is represented by digital addiction. Social media addiction goes beyond the individual problem to become a challenge that threatens family cohesion. The excessive use of smart devices leads to a reduction in the time allocated to real social interactions within the family, which affects family relationships and weakens emotional bonds, in addition to the manifestations of cyberviolence and harassment. The spread of cyberviolence and cyberbullying increases. the feeling of loneliness and isolation among young people, especially with a growing dependence on social media as a platform for self-expression and communication with others, unrealistic social comparisons appear. Individuals, especially young people, are exposed to positive and exaggerated content on social networks. media that lead to feelings of inferiority and dissatisfaction with oneself, which increases the risk of depression and eating disorders. This is where sleep disorders arise, as using electronic devices before going to bed greatly affects the quality of sleep, leading to mood disorders, difficulty concentrating, and mood swings.

The impact of war on mental health is represented by post-traumatic stress disorder. Many people who have been exposed to war or displacement events suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, which manifests itself in symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks and avoidance of stimuli. , irritation and wars provide an environment conducive to anxiety and depression. Where individuals live in a state of uncertainty and constant fear for their future and that of their children, displaced persons and refugees face great difficulties in adapting to a new environment. a different culture, which increases their feelings of isolation and loneliness. This is clearly evident in the case of families and young people in Egypt, in addition to the fact that displacement and war lead to… The loss of social support provided by family. and friends, which increases feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Sudanese youth residing in Egypt represent a special case, as they are exposed to a double psychological pressure due to displacement and war, in addition to the challenges they face in a new environment. These youth suffer from integration difficulties, loss of identity and discrimination, which increases their risk of psychological disorders, and here cases of clashes and harassment between some members of the community and some Egyptians appear.

The interaction between technology and war leads to an amplification of trauma. Social media contributes to amplifying the impact of psychological trauma, as individuals can rewatch traumatic videos over and over again, leading to a worsening of symptoms. psychological support, where individuals can communicate with others who are suffering from the same problems, share their experiences and support.

The recommendations that I consider necessary are to raise awareness of the importance of mental health and encourage individuals to seek help when needed, while providing specialized psychological support services to individuals and families affected by crises and wars. Preventive programs must be developed to reduce the negative effects of technology on people's mental health. Family cohesion must be strengthened and the role of the family must be strengthened in providing psychological support to its members, while providing psychological and social support to young people and providing opportunities for integration into the new society.

The challenges facing the mental health of Arab families require the combined efforts of various parties, including governments, non-governmental organizations, and the media. By working together, we can build healthier and happier communities.

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