Testimony of (a friend)… and the (marketing) crisis – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

The title may be intended for the one whose gaze falls on it, but there is no connection with it, and the person with another eye can see that the connection is to market the courageous stance shown by the martyr hero Muhammad Siddiq while facing this position. he was in it after his capture by the militiamen and their ignorance of the ethics of war with greater strength and courage, or that the title refers to the commercialization of “jihad” and “fighting” for “pride” of the nation and humanity.
But whoever looks with another eye, understanding and scrutinizing, discovers that Sudan in general suffers from a serious (marketing) crisis since independence until these days when war rages on its territory.
The Sudanese people have failed to market the immense resources available to Sudan in order to build its economic power, and they have also failed to market
The strategic situation that characterizes Sudan is beneficial for its security and the political dimension of the country in general, and for the benefit of Sudan having a “leg” among the majors in the struggle for “power” and “influence”.
Sudan was not able to market people of “knowledge” and distinguished people internally and externally, even if they had different abilities and specializations, such as Professor Abdullah Al-Tayeb, the scholar like the one that the Arab nation has not known. ” to give birth “. He remained “trapped” within the walls of Khartoum and did not know his worth until fate took him to Nigeria, Morocco and the start of his specialization at the University of London in Great Britain and in Sudan. scientist, expert in physics, Professor Mahjoub Obaid, whose value was known only in America, and today the Sudanese people know him only a small number of (his contemporaries) or those who found part from (his biography) until his death without knowing the reasons. The truth about his death and these scholars will not be abandoned by Zionism or global imperialism, and many others like Mahjoub Obaid were subjected to death and assassination in order not to elevate the status of their country , like Abdul Qadeer Khan. , the manufacturer of the (nuclear) bomb in Pakistan, and engineer Necmettin Erbakan, the manufacturer of the (tanks) in Turkey. Many scholars have been murdered by sinful hands.
Today, Sudan has in its hands thousands of documents, evidence, photographs, visuals and facts proven by international certificates which are condemned by international charters and laws established by the United Nations to combat and prosecute anyone who violates crimes international and globally banned. The militias have not left a single one without doing so hundreds of times in the past. It was the war that ended the year in Sudan.
Today, Sudan has the opportunity to commercialize all these violations to denounce this militia and its supporters, at home and abroad, for the atrocities it has committed against humanity in general and against the people Sudanese in particular.
Today, Sudan has the opportunity to market these internationally prohibited violations and crimes in order to denounce the United Nations, which treats these international conventions and laws according to two standards in a way that accords and achieves the interests of the Big Five among its members.
The crime committed yesterday against the prisoner (first) and the martyr (second), the hero Muhammad Siddiq, is added to all these prohibited international crimes. Can Sudan commercialize these crimes to condemn the militias and the international community, or will it fail as such? before, in marketing, all these advantages that… It has resources and people and sets it apart from other countries.
The article was published Testimony of (a friend)… and the (marketing) crisis – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen First on Zoll net.
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