Thank you, Egypt and the Egyptian army – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

One of the characteristics of the Sudanese people, throughout the ages and ages, is that they are a loyal people, and they have never inhabited a land or resided in a country without finding appreciation and respect therein, and they have exchanged respect for the people of that country with respect and have returned to their people their thanks and praise for the good treatment, reception and even social integration in many countries…

Egypt is Sudan's sister and its other half, and to which all Sudanese went whenever they wanted to buy and own properties. Many people resorted to it after the Janjaweed war, so the numbers multiplied and the Sudanese presence increased until every Egyptian was present. the city became a part of the Sudanese people…

All these people, whom even the UNHCR could not easily manage, were hosted by the Egyptian people on their land and at their expense, and they shared with them what they had in terms of food, drink, shelter, transport and services.

When some of us started thinking about returning to Sudan, and most of them entered Egypt through smuggling, which is prohibited in all countries of the world and is subject to legal prosecution, Egypt opened the door for them to return to their homes and countries safely, without accountability and without anyone objecting, rather it provided facilities and services that would make their return possible safely.

In a division of the Egyptian army in the Abu Simbel region, the doors open to receive all Sudanese wishing to return to Sudan…

No one asks them how you came, where you came from, or why you came by the forbidden route, and no one harassed them. On the contrary, they received them and put them in rooms to wait and rest until the time of the journey. Sudan via buses prepared in advance and agreed with them to take them to their destination in exchange for an amount less than the real value of such a journey. Then they honor them by offering them free daily meals until the time comes. for them to leave.

Do not Egypt and its armed forces deserve thanks for what they have done and what they are doing?

These are words that we speak against these people, and they will not be enough, but we wanted them to be part of a long series of books, some of which were written by colleagues, opinion makers and former leaders, and the rest will be written by others sooner or later, in the hope that perhaps some of the favors of these people will be canceled after the grace of God…

What we expect and hope is that this door will continue to be thus open until after September 30, which is the precise date to reconcile the situation, as it is said, and that it will not be closed and that the manner of dealing with those who wish to return will not change from the beginning of the journey of those who wish to return until they leave the land of Egypt, and that the door of grace and mercy will be open as it is now…

May God help everyone

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