Thank you Kabashi, the sweet one and your words, and no thanks to Hamdok – Masarib Al-Dhay – ✍️ Muhammad Ahmed Khadr Yaqoub Tabidi

Paths of light

A personal opinion column written by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khader Yaqoub Tabidi

🎯 Thanks Kabashi, Al-Helou and Qalwak, and no thanks to Hamdok

Lieutenant General Shams al-Din al-Kabashi, deputy commander-in-chief of the army and member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (Qayyim farm with al-Hilu)

On a successful visit to our beloved Juba, the capital of South Sudan, which we love as much as our beloved Omdurman, Lieutenant General Shams al-Din al-Kabashi, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Member of Transitional Sovereignty The Council met with SPLM-N leader Abdulaziz al-Hilu, who refused to sign the Juba peace agreement and stayed away in the hope that his elected government, after the completion of the transition period, signs an agreement between him and his army. movement, which has a notable presence in South Darfur, where it achieved a great victory and unwavering respect from the population of that state, whose capital, Kauda, ​​​​Hamdok surrendered as first government official to visit since the Salvation regime period, and he met Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu there, and it was reported that Hamdok had a relationship with the Popular Movement man north of Al-Hilu, and this meeting brought nothing new, and Al-Hilu. has returned to its neutral presence and is waiting for an elected government to sign an agreement with it. We thanked Hamdok for this, and because General Al-Kabashi comes and has a direct meeting with General Al-Hilu, he resolves all the outstanding issues and attracts Al-Hilu for the benefit of the Sudanese Armed Forces. It is proven that the share is a homeland and that the sovereignty of Sudan is greater than any other gain, and the proof is very clear in the case of the Dagalo family and their sponsor. , who went to destroy the country, and the magic turned against them, and the heroes of the armed forces presented lessons and lessons that history will bear witness to, and its light will shine in their names, and the meeting of the Kabashi and Helou has dimensions that only wise people can understand, especially in this period when the army showed its strength and won Sudanese diplomacy, the internal decisions of the president of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, the entry of China and Russia to protect their investments. in Sudan, and the United Nations' demand to the evil state, followed by Chad and other countries, to stop supporting the rebellion and the Al-Daglo militia, whose forces were shattered and the hopes of their godfather to maintain the country's borders were lost. sister state of South Sudan resists traitors and saboteurs after Al-Kabashi's meeting with Salva Kiir and his deputy, Riek Machar, and Tut Galwak, advisor to the president of South Sudan on security affairs, l architect of peace in Juba. agreement. This man who continued to contribute to any issue that supports the cohesion of Sudan and some South Sudanese officials to support the peace and stability of the country and provide humanitarian aid to targeted people across South Sudan in areas controlled by the Sudanese people. Liberation movement north of the Al-Hilu district, thereby missing the opportunity for the Rapid Support Militia to establish relations with the younger sister state of South Sudan, constituting a major diplomatic and political gain in the border and humanitarian aid file.

Glory and eternity to our righteous martyrs

And death and annihilation for the rapid support militia

Sudanese soldiers will remain the best soldiers in the world

And I will write to the country until my last breath

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