Thank you, the brother state of Qatar……. Dr Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeir

..Thank you from the Sudanese people..

Thank you to the State of Qatar, the Emir, the government and the people, for your stance alongside the Sudanese people in the face of the hardships caused by this war and the aggression carried out by the global conspiracy against Sudan and its people, with the aim of stealing its resources and capabilities… This is a remarkable stance that testifies to the deepening of relations based on the unity of the Islamic cultural heritage, Arabism, common destiny and the interweaving of interests between the Qatari people and the Sudanese people…

Thank you, Qatar, and your Ministry of Foreign Affairs adopts all these strong positions in all international forums to defend Sudan and its sovereignty over its entire territory, and denounces the open conspiracies that are being hatched against it, aimed at annihilating the Sudanese people and achieving a demographic replacement of its population by groups of the Arab diaspora in African countries…

Thank you, Qatar. For a long time, even before the current aggression, you have been operating air bridges that have continued to deliver humanitarian aid. This has made the name of the State of Qatar an aura of all Sudanese. thank you and great gratitude to you in a way that cannot be written in letters, that cannot be expressed in words, and that sentences recognize defeat. Our trust in God is to do… All this is in the balance of good deeds. of all the brotherly Qatari people, the companion of the Sudanese people in times of need. May God bless you in your country, your prince and your leaders, and may he protect you all from the plots of the envious and the haters, and may he protect you. the State of Qatar a source of pride for every Arab and Muslim under the leadership of the wise man of the Arabs and Muslims and their champion, Prince Tamim, may God protect him and take care of him…

If I had an appeal to His Highness Prince Tamim, may God protect him, so that we, as the Sudanese people, invite the State of Qatar, the government and the people, to enter with the government of Sudan, led by the President of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, into smart development partnerships aimed at exploiting all our abundant and diverse resources… minerals such as gold and others, agricultural lands and underground oil and other things, in addition. to the seas, extensive coasts and rivers, to establish giant projects in the fields of agriculture, livestock production, industry and foreign trade for the benefit and well-being of the two brotherly peoples…

I also call, through you, on Turkey, Erdogan's sister, to also join the partnerships of Qatar and Sudan, so that these become the core of an integrated Islamic unity to form a power and an economic bloc that will be attractive to the rest of the brothers and friends like Russia and China, and impose its respect in the world that does not respect the weak, and that it will have its own economic, political and security prestige.

And the conclusion of the speech of thanks and gratitude to the State of Qatar, its Emir, its government and its people… I ask your permission to draw a few words from a painting that expresses the admiration and love of the Sudanese people for the State of Qatar, its Emir and its people. This is a poem that I wrote to express the solidarity of the Sudanese people with their brothers in Qatar during the unjust siege imposed on Qatar a long time ago. It is over but will never be forgotten. …

…….. Qatar’s Volcano of Love ……

……..which exploded…….

If destiny decides, the journey must be long, we must support Qatar…

Qatar Tamim, what is its taste, what is its color, this is its flavor, how it is famous

It is a cry of a lover in his passion, a blow to the heart that hears a stone…

It is the moan of someone tired in bed, almost dying, on the verge of danger…

It is a goal desired by a dreamer, a destiny devoid of any poison or boredom…

A volcano of love whose smoke has been smoldering for a long time and then explodes.

Its parts were scattered everywhere, covering all the villages, as well as…

It was distributed without regard to any slogan and without equality between all human beings…

Those who flee from calamity are afflicted with a harbinger of evil…

And those who trust in your love do not ask where there is an escape.

Give precious souls for your love. Is this love enough for this dowry?

Qatar Tamim, who are you and for whom are you? It is not yet time for the news to be published…

Whoever is, whatever his luck, will certainly find the best nest in our hearts…

How and why not, because your love is in your heart and our heart is for your heart before it is the seat….

He has a large heart that can accommodate everyone with his love. He has fasted from hatred and is pure in love without breaking the fast.

How can someone like him have any right or fair justice other than a well-deserved reward for victory…

May God have mercy on your lovers and supporters in Türkiye and the countries of Hungary….

May God destroy your stuff everywhere with wind, crickets or rain

Qatar Tamim, do not despair, do not be sad, because it only brings harm…

It was not written that there would be no escape from destiny except to this destiny…

God alone is truly responsible for His harvests, whether on land, at sea, or even inside a stone…

The newspapers were folded and their feathers dried. This was documented by knowledge in the truest news…

With all my thanks and appreciation

Dr. Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeer

University of Khartoum… Sudan

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