That day, March 23, as well as events that day, took place in the Hijri calendar, 23 Ramadan

It happened this day

March 23


625 AD – The battle of Uhud occurred in Jabal Uhud near Yathrib between the Muslims and the people of Mecca, and the murder of Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib in the battle of Wahshi Bin Harb in order of the fight against film.

1849 – The Battle of Novara between the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Austrian Empire.

1870 – Establishment of the book of Book in Cairo.

1918 – Germany was launched by the “Barta Cannon”, the first shells to Paris for the first time, during the First World War.

1919 – English planes bombed the cities of Assiut and Dairout for two days, as part of the events of the 1919 Revolution.

1921 -Sheikh Ahmed Al -jaber Al -Sabah takes up the rule of Kuwait.

1925 – King Fouad replaces the House of Representatives 9 am after his election, Saad Zaghloul as president.

1930 – NURI AL -SAED is its primary ministry

1933 – The German Reich gives the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler Absolute Powers until 1937.

1949 – Lebanon and Israel agree on a military truce.

1950 – Establish the world meteorological organization.

1956 – Independence of Pakistan thanks to the efforts of Muhammad Ali Janah, who is the founder of the Republic of Pakistan.

1965 – The United States launched the spacecraft “Jimini 3”, which carries two men in space, Virgil Gracem and John Young.

1965 – Demonstrations broke out in a group of streets in many cities in Morocco, which have been suppressed by violence by regime forces and the army.

1970 – The start of the first conference of foreign ministers in Islamic countries in Djeddah.

1980 – The Pope of Alexandria Shenouda III decides to cancel the official Easter celebrations.

1983 – US President Ronald Reagan announces the start of work in the strategic defense of the planetary war at $ 44 billion.

1989 – Establish the Student General Union Free in Algeria.

1991 – The trigger of the civil war in Sierra Leone after the Revolution against the Srionian government.

1994 – The assassination of the presidential candidate in Mexico Luis Donaldo Colosio with a ball to the head.

2004 – Hamas appointed Khaled Meshaal as president to succeed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

2009 – The assassination of the assistant representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon, Kamal Medhat and three of his companions in the explosion of an explosive apparatus planted on the side of the road in the city of Sidon.

2017 – The assassination of the Russian opponent Dennis Foreninkov and a former member of the Duma Council in Kie City, Ukraine.

2019 – Huge floods due to heavy rain, sweeping several Iranian provinces and killing around 44 people.

The Syrian democratic forces control the village of Al -Baghouz, the last bastion of the Islamic State (ISIS).

2021 – The delinquency of the container, never Jeffen, in the Suez Canal, disturbs navigation in both directions.



930 – Ali Bin Ishaq al -zahi, an Iraqi poet and merchant.

1645 – William Kid, Scottish Seas.

1749 – Pierre Laplas, French physicist and mathematics.

1858 – Landenge Quid, a German historian and politician who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1927.

1875 – Hussein al -Burujeri, religious scholar, jurist and Shiite Iranian reference

1881 – Martin de Gaar, a French novelist who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1937.

** Herman Steudnger, a German chemist who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1953.

1882 – Amy Nuwaith, German mathematician.

1883 – Rosanjin, Japanese calligrapher.

1900 – Hassan Fathi, an Egyptian architect. Eric FRUM, a German scientist in psychology.

1905 – Joan Crowford, an American actress.

1907 – Daniel Boufah, Italian doctor and specialist at the Nobel Prize in the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the year 1957.

1912 – Werner von Brown, an American missile designer of German origin, and one of the most eminent missile manufacturers in Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

1913 – Najat Ali, Egyptian singer and actress.

1930 – Ahmed Ramzi, Egyptian actor.

1934 – Adel Heikal, Egyptian football player and actor.

1937 – Robert Gallo, American doctor and researcher.

1943 – Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq al -Sadr, an Iraqi Shiite religious.

1954 – Hidi Hori, a Japanese audio performance actor.

1955 – Amina Abdel -rasoul, actress Omanie.

1956 – Dora Paroso, president of the European Commission.

1959 – Catherine Kenner, an American actress.

1960 – Hospi al -Badri, Egyptian player and coach. Good gift, Qatari actress.

1963 – Mitchell, Spanish player and football coach.

1964 – Hop Davis, an American actress.

1968 – Fernando Hierro, Spanish footballer.

1973 – YERZI DUDIK, Polish football goalkeeper.

1975 – Tariq al -Karmi, a Palestinian poet.

1976 – Ahmed Rizk, Egyptian actor. Kerry Rosel, an American actress. Michel Monagan, an American actress.

1978 – Walter Samuel, Argentinian football player.

1986 – Tariq al -abyari, Egyptian actor.

** Stephen Strait, an American actor.



625 – Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad.

1754 – Johann Yakoub Fastin, Suisse aid.

1801 – Tsar Pavel I, the thirteenth Emperor of Russia in the Russian Empire.

1960 -Badi al -zaman Saeed al -Nawrasi, a Kurdish Muslim scholar.

1965 – Abd al -Azim is an Iranian linguistic and academic parent.

1972 – Ibrahim Amara, Egyptian actor and director.

1992 – Friedrich von Heik, economist and Austrian / British political advice holding a Nobel Prize in economics in 1974.

1994 – Louis Klsio, Mexican politician.

2011 – Elizabeth Taylor, a British actress.

2012 – Abdullah Youssef Ahmed, president of Somalia.

2013 – Joe Wider, founder of modern bodybuilding and the international federation of bodybuilding and physical form (English).

2014 – Souad Abdullah, an Iraqi singer.

** Adolfo Suareth, first Democratic Prime Minister elected in Spain and head of democratic transition in the country.

** Hilal al -Assad, a Syrian military commander.

2015 – Lee Kuan Yu, first Prime Minister of Singapore and its founder, and the second longest president of the Presidency of History.

2017 – Dennis Foreonkov, Russian exhibition and former member of the Duma.


Holidays and events:

⬅️ Global weather day.

National day in Pakistan.

⬅️ Day of Hungarian / Polish friendship.

It happened this day

Hijri calendar

23 Ramadan


9 Ah – Muslims destroy the idol of Lat led by Abu Sufyan et al -Mughira Bin Shuba, to eliminate the effects of the worship of this former goddess.

31 Ah – The collapse of the Sassanid Empire completely in the succession of Uthman Bin Affan, after the death of Yazdjerd Bin Shahryar, the last Shahian of the Persians, and most of his country had been opened by Muslims before that.

96 Ah – The Caliph Omeyyad Suleiman Bin Abdul -Malik is isolated from the Medina command, Othman Bin Hayyan, and it was given by Abu Bakr Bin Muhammad bin Amr bin Hazm and he was one of the greatest scholars.

323 Ah – Muhammad Ibn Tajj al -Akhsheed enters the city of Fustat to receive his new Koom post on the Egyptian house and Levantine.

833 AH – The arrival of a Shah Rakht Bin Taymurlane envoy to the Sultan Barsbay Mamluki, and the envoy did not carry an official message, and his speech was filled with the Koranic verse.

874 AH -The Mameluk Sultan Qitbay receives an envoy from the Shah of Swar Al -Thaer to the state of Mamluk in the east, and with him a message in which he presented the Sultan Al -Solh, provided that he was a prince on Mount Turkmen and Aleppo the Sultan refused to offer it.

876 Ah -Sultan Al -Mamluki Qitbay holds a breakfast banquet in honor of the Ottoman envoy who arrived in Cairo on 4 Ramadan, and Sheikh Moheb al -Shenna, judge of judges Hanafi, tried to attend this banquet, but the Sultan refused to take care of, and he brought it back to the call for the call. The reason is the anger of Sultan Qaitbay on the judge, Ibn Al -Hahanah, because of his money to the corruption of his son, judge Abd Al -Barr.

933 Ah – God opened the Portuguese expulsion of the port of Sons Kielaba (now Jakarta), which now celebrates the construction of the city.

1280 AH – The Ottoman Empire renounces the construction of castles in the lands of the Montenegro emirate, located on the beaches of the Adriatic in the north of Albania, and the emirate of Montenegro was subject to the rule of the Ottoman Empire, and its emir, and began to build several castles fear in the Black Monténégro, the European countries The Division of the Ottoman Empire of this issue, and the Ottoman Sultan was forced to do so to abandon the construction of these castles and strong.

1298 Ah – The Tribes of the West and Southwest Tunnis declare the jihad against the French occupied.

1349 Ah – New Delhi becomes the capital of India.

1371 Ah – The Turkish government allows all members of the Ottoman dynasty other than the princes to enter the sons of the sultans in Turkey after the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate thirty years ago, and the expulsion of the Bani Othman dynasty outside Turkey, after having directed the country.

✴️ The number of the first issue of the newspaper “Al -akhbar” founded by the Ali and Mustafa Amin brothers, and this newspaper was subject to nationalization after the revolution against the monarchy in Egypt, and it is still published so far by Akhbar al -Youm.

1431 Ah – The start of direct negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis after years of interruption in the United States in the presence of the President of the National Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the American presidents Barack Obama, of the Egyptian Muhammad Hosse Mubarak and the King of Jordan Abdullah II.

1434 AH – Memnon Hussein was elected president of Pakistan to succeed Ali Zardari.

1435 Ah – More than 70 people were killed in the Shujaiya massacre committed by the Israeli artillery weapon in the war against Gaza.

1437 AH – Atatur Airport in Türkiye, 41 people were killed and 147 others were injured.



26 Ah – Yazid bin Muawiyah, the second successor to the Omeyyad state.

220 Ah – Ahmed Bin Tulun, founder of the Tulunid State in Egypt and the Levant.

1336 Ah – Ahmed Deedat, an Islamic preacher and an Indian view.

1347 Ah -Musa al -Sadr, religious scholar, thinker and Shiite -Iranian -Iranian.

1348 Ah – Ramadan Abdel Tawab, Egyptian linguist. 1357 Ah – Samira Ahmed, an Egyptian actress.

1385 Ah – Hana Nassour, a Syrian actress.

1386 Ah – Hamid Stelie, Iranian football player.

1395 AH – Muhammad Shaliya Al -Juhani, a Saudi football player.

1401 Ah – Menna Shalaby, an Egyptian actress.



584 Ah -Osama bin Munqeth, Faris, a Muslim poet and one of the leaders of Salah al -Din al -Ayyubi.

1350 AH – Mustafa Naja, a Lebanese Muslim scientist and a mystic.

1374 AH – ANWAR WAJDI, Egyptian actor and director.

1414 AH – Abdullah al -Sallal, President of the Arab Republic of Yemen.

1420 Ah -Abu al -hasan al -Nadawi, Mark and Islamic writer and founder of the “Islamic Scientific Academy in India”.

1430 Ah – Redina Mualla, Syrian swimming.

1432 Ah – Kamal Al -Shennawi, Egyptian actor. Abdul Aziz Abdel -Ghani, Yemeni politician. Sufyan al -haari, Tunisian actor.

1433 Ah – Omar Bin Suleiman Al -Ashqar, a Palestinian religious.

** Ahmed Zaid Al -Sarhan, President of the Kuwaitian National Assembly.

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