The 19th Infantry Division, above the suspicion of those who roam – whispering letters – ✍️ Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

Throughout this cursed war, some evil spokespersons continued, using soft language, to wage fierce psychological warfare and strive to create rumors, targeting the leaders of the state and institutions in the aim of separating the head from the body, creating a gap between the leaders and the base, and manipulating the emotions and feelings of the people with a proposal. Topics are presented in a highly influential manner, in order to capture public emotions and create public opinion issues, the aim of which is to drive a wedge between the leadership and the base. These people strive day after day to expand rumor content, which appears to support state institutions, but actually serves the enemy's agenda. Typically, these trumpeters constantly honk their horns and yell sarcastic nonsense. which has filled the world with blatant lies, and their mediocre content reveals the quality of their authors.

At a time when the Sudanese armed forces and other regular forces are waging the fiercest battles against the militias who have targeted the existence of the Sudanese state, and when the aim of this aggressor group is to impoverish its people destroying everything around it, during this exceptional period in the life of our country, our armed forces continued to give what is precious and pay with the lives of their soldiers to sacrifice. With their pure blood, the vast lands of Sudan were cleansed of the filth of the militias, thus the purest souls of the martyrs ascended to heaven, where their bodies fell in sacrifice for this country. There is no doubt that this war has exposed the falsity of the positions and shown many of us their pure nature, and the only truth that should be remains. obvious to all: who among us is He stood in the ranks of the armed forces and fought alongside them, with his person, his money, his thoughts and everything he possessed, in defense of land and honor, or at the very least, his stance should be to fight against treason and not slander the soldiers of our forces until the end of the war.

Seasoned journalist and discreet professional, Mr. Ali Mirghani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sudanese Zoul Network. No one can ever criticize his pure patriotism and concern for the public interest, nor question his zeal for his country, but the false. a report from one of his misleading and malicious sources led him to a serious error concerning the leaders of the 19th Infantry Division in Marawi, and what we necessarily know is that this division is the first division that the enemy attacked in direct war. in his country, but he defeated it with merit and settled the rebellion in his area of ​​​​jurisdiction in a few hours under the leadership of the hero, His Excellency Major General Kamal Haj Al-Khader, who did not hesitate a moment. moment of despair for the good of this country, we saw it with our own eyes in the front row and among its soldiers, and in the presence of Colonel Dr. Moatasem Abdel Aziz, head of the intelligence division, and Colonel Ezzedine Bilal , head of the Operations Division, all made a great effort in the defenses of the Marawi Airport front, and in the meantime, Colonel Adel Nouri was the young commander who intensified his efforts. his work of intelligence on the enemy, his strength and his weaponry in a professional manner. And at that time, he was just a report in that division, and he wasn't part of his original crew, but he was a genuine man, as he was. among the officers of the courageous people's armed forces, imbued with shameless patriotism, and they were not calm, especially since the enemy at that time was truly bold. In the state system, the militia was then preparing to practice the most horrible things. scenarios, and strengthen its presence by deploying its forces around Marawi airport. However, the entire division stood by and worked with each other in the spirit of a single team that embodies the principle of cooperation among its members, and at that time there was. A commander. The division's task force, Lt. Col. Haj Abdul Wahab, was at the forefront. He intimidated enemy forces with his fiery words when they refused to obey the division's instructions. He ascended Thatcher's throne and told them: (You may not know to whom you have come. You are in the homes of the grandchildren of the knights of the Battle of Kurti and the sons of Mahira Bet Abboud .) If you do not obey our group's instructions, you will arrive today. to the depths of hell, and you will only enter Marawi on the bodies of these knights. » He finished his speech, which shook their security and their chest. History recorded for Commander Al-Hajj the story of his collision with the enemy. forces before the Owsley Bridge, in which he proved his good leadership and his unique courage and bravery.

Thus, we find the 19th Infantry Division full of distinctive national symbols, which proved its valor, good morals and professionalism in handling this war, and at its head was Colonel Mohamed Mahmoud, that brave officer who was and still is. is a source of pride for the Sudanese army, and who works like a bee, he completed the tasks of this division without getting tired, without getting bored, or neglecting. Likewise, Colonel Ezzedine Bilal, who was no less described, and adorning the plaque of. The honor goes to Major Hatem Karroum, first member of the staff of the Supply Division, and to Major Ihab Al-Mahi, this man concerned about what was entrusted to him.

This blatant lie and fabricated rumor was spread by a source on Zul TV, which reported the brilliant and giant journalist, Professor Ali Mirghani, in a grave error against this gang, considered a model of honor for the Sudanese soldier , as a source. was not truthful or accurate in all its information on which was the subject of this strange episode, and the proof of this is the inaccuracy of the transmission of the names of the accused, in addition to the subject which was the basis. During the episode, the name Adel Al-Nour was mentioned, and through research and careful review of all members and officers of the division from start to finish, we found no one bearing this name.

This man who started this rumor intended it to be a ladder to attack and slander the integrity of the distinguished division commander, His Excellency Major General Suleiman Kamal Haj Al-Khader, who taught the enemies a harsh lesson that time will never erase from memory. of history in the management of wars. He also targeted the second commander of the division, His Excellency Brigadier General Yasser Al-Bathani, this exceptional man, known throughout the military community and known for his unabashed professionalism. officers from whom people learn the concepts of values, morals and good conduct, because they have been accused of financial corruption and they are above suspicion, and this accusation comes from a hypothetical reality which has not has no place in reality and is not supported by any evidence.

One of the honorable officers of this group of officers of whom no one would dare speak ill, and he is known to be one of the chaste of hands and tongue, but he was not free from accusation. His name was mentioned on the list. of Zul TV, which accused them of falsely taking people's money, and this officer He sold his car and his brand ì10, and most of his colleagues contributed with him above his value to resolve the family financial difficulties that happened to him, so how can you judge?

The systematic devastation that occurred in Khartoum and the island cannot be imagined in the mind, and it is for this reason that we find that most of the surviving citizens, with the help of their expatriate families, built houses to shelter them and their families. There is no dispute or debate about this, because of the solidarity of families in these circumstances. Exceptionalism is seen as one of the positive sides of this war, as many of these families cooperate with their members to build alternative housing.

Therefore, people should know that anyone accused by the intelligence of this division, all their deposits and the seized items they find on them are recorded in a report, until the accusation against them be investigated, and depending on the result of the investigations, he will be treated, either by releasing him if it is not proven that there is something against him that condemns him, or his file will be transferred to the judicial authorities in the event involvement, so how can they love these people. honorable people are driven to such false accusation, with such shameful ugliness and with such naivety, and also how do the accused who fall into the circle of accusation leave their money in such a way that it is falsely eaten while they watch? All officers and members of this division are honorable and have no other concern than victory or martyrdom.

The conscience of the Sudanese people prevents them from responding to such media wars, which were not the first and will not be the last. In principle, they lack the most basic media elements and methods, rely on lies and hoaxes and do not respect. people's minds, and so we find them before. To achieve the desired goals, it turns in the opposite direction and unravels, and for this reason it is necessary that all media do not get caught up in the momentary excitement that triggers conflicts by transmitting information that is not worthy of being covered by the media, and this confirms the extent of the bankruptcy and media poverty that exists today in our country.

And the God of intention behind it.

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