The absence of an effective role for the international community in the face of the tragedy of the Sudanese people ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

I believe that the most important lesson learned from this cursed war and the material and psychological devastation it caused is the fall of a fig leaf in front of the shame of the so-called international community, which has proven with overwhelming evidence that it is the face of the gathering of colonial powers and their allies from third world countries, and confronting it with all its strength underlines the importance of the agreement between the popular masses. The Sudanese government must pay attention to building a modern state based on the foundations of freedom. , peace, justice, transparency, positive excellence and comprehensive national strategic planning based on scientific research, making maximum use of available material and human resources without relying on the outside and the promises of the international community and its agents inside who fled when the first bullet was fired, leaving the people face to face… The fate of the inevitable swallows up the scourges of war and its bitterness, and they take the position of spectators of the tragedies.

The international community is full of many international organizations that adopt the principles of preserving human rights, calling for peace and security, opposing the targeting of civilians in wars and prosecuting the leaders who support them when it comes to violations of poor countries and vulnerable peoples, they remain completely silent and sit back, and the exact opposite happens if they are violated. The country is one of the leading countries and those who support it, as well as the countries whose interests it covers. huge budgets are allocated to these organizations and compulsory contributions are paid by some countries, even the poorest, to these organizations… I believe that it is time for third world countries and vulnerable peoples to take a collective stand to rebel against the reality of this disastrous situation.

I believe, and from what I see, that this is what all the living and honorable national forces of Sudan who remained stationed in the darkest circumstances have agreed upon, considering that this crisis, which ended in this damn war, will be the last station of the failure that has accompanied us since the dawn of independence, on January 1, 1956 AD.

Prof. Dr. Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi.

August 29, 2024 AD.

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