The Al-Bishi Incident and the Inevitable Fate ✍️ Khaled Haj Ali Aroub

Khaled Haj Ali Adroub: writing

The Al-Bishi Incident and the Inevitable Fate

I told you in my previous article that the militia is in a state (of total collapse), and I also explained its reality to you in my article the day before yesterday, and I told you that most of the militia leaders had perished, and that the militia had been weakened, disintegrated, dispersed and weakened, so it was easy to drive it out, and that the army intended to do so and withdrew the last solid force of the militia from the east of the Nile and the island of Al. -Qatina moved to a flat terrain, which he called “the killing ground”, and then he exhausted it with high-level tactics in the areas of Sennar, Al-Dindir, Al-Faw and the rest of the region…

I have already told you that any attack by the militia would be a loss. I have told you about specific operations. I have also told you that any adventure that the militia would attempt after today would mean its eternal death, and even if it does not attack, it will meet its death, as it is in the “flat ground of killing.” Check out my articles on the page and in the digital press.

At the same level, the death and assassination of the rebel Al-Bishi constitutes one of the most striking storms of the growing collapse, and his assassination was not due to the liquidation of his family and comrades, as is said, but rather a qualitative, lightning-fast operation carried out by your valiant forces.

I told you about the specific operations last week and the number of heavy weapons captured, and all of this indicates the collapse of the militia that I told you about earlier.

Furthermore, in recent days a number of high-ranking militia leaders have perished, and my dear patriot also expected the death of the rebel Kikel and all the names that have followed on which the militia has relied to promote specific operations or any attack from or towards…

This is the collapse I told you about. This is the collapse the militia can't handle. The militia's combat doctrine is based on photography, and the army bases its plans on attrition and destruction, and in the flat country lies the end. of this militia. Keep going.

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