The ambassador of humanity from the kingdom of goodness embodies the role of the individual in consolidating the senses of diplomacy – Whispered Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

Recently, a set of bad and negative phenomena has spread, which has become popular and widespread in our country. It has become a disturbing nightmare that threatens our values ​​and our lives. It is now an incurable disease that divides us. pollutes our morals and increases the spread of illness and disease among us.

One of the most dangerous diseases is the weaving, fabrication and promotion of rumors and the fabrication of false information and fake news, with a known agenda. What is more dangerous than that is the rapid transmission of this corrupt industry and its consequences. dissemination and promotion with the aim of creating confusion to achieve harmful malicious gains at individual and societal levels and at public and private levels.

The systematic targeting of Sudanese international relations has its consequences, and this behavior is considered one of the most dangerous methods of warfare ever seen, as it can lead to the deterioration of international relations and the isolation of Sudan from its surroundings. regional and international, which will cause many political and economic tensions if the state slows down. In resolving this dangerous phenomenon that poses a major threat to the foreign policy security of our country, this deviation is considered one of the conflict tools that negatively affects diplomatic relations and leads to international tensions. isolation, which will have a negative impact on the economy and national security of the state if our country is separated from its environment, this results in the stifling of foreign policies and lack of confidence in building international alliances following demonization campaigns. which is also reflected in the reduction of joint cooperation with the international community in the areas of trade, security, politics, development and humanitarian assistance.

No one was surprised by what happened in such exceptional circumstances, by the criminal behavior of a small number of short-sighted and short-sighted people, supported by agendas known to all, and who worked hard in an attempt aborted, targeting the leaders. of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (the kingdom of kindness and giving) and its male ambassador. The human being is His Excellency Ali bin Hassan Jaafar. In this campaign, they intended to spread lies, deceptions and lies and promote them for the sake of promoting them. insulting the rulers of the Don Kingdom in a despicable manner. These are certainly the voices of deviants shouting about what is of no use and cannot be heard inside a pot, and their voices will in no way be surpassed. This is the circumference of their slit throats. The kingdom is too big for people like these losers who don't know how to take refuge and deny the event. It is certain that they are in a state of cognitive blockage, and that is why we find it. they spout what they do not realize and do not know.

The Kingdom is the Kingdom deeply rooted in our country since its creation and founding, and whose policy is based on mutual respect which preserves sovereignties and entities, and prevents any interference in the affairs of others except for the good and for the good. a country that values ​​the Sudanese people, its leaders and its people, and has not sat idle since. The spark of war has broken out in our country. I intervened through the Jeddah platform for the security of the Sudanese people, supporting peace. However, the intransigence and barricades used by the militias to not obey the results of the platform have prevented peaceful solutions and, as we see on another level, the construction of bridges of humanity by air and maritime. is still extended, he did not spare our people everything he could do so that our people participate in mitigating the effects of the repercussions of the war on them.

As for his ambassador, he is this human man who defines himself as Saudi, and who outlined the features of diplomacy, both official and popular, in the greatest journey that history will immortalize for him in plates of gold and which will be a school for the approach of mature diplomacy in the Arab region.*

*If I am allowed to take the place that the reality of the situation imposes on my weak self, then the article must have its place now. On behalf of the genuine people of Sudan, I extend my deepest apologies to the leaders and people of Sudan. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the slander and insults it has received from Sudanese citizens in media spaces, and I conclude with the words of the loudest voices in the barking of dogs on the clouds:

It has a roar of darkness and thunder and an explosion

And the lightning you see shines brightly

Neighborhood dogs started barking at his house

And the waters filled there

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