The American Spring… Where are the Arab people? – Behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*Millions of Arabs and Muslims fall into deep sleep due to Israeli genocidal war in Gaza*

*This negative position seems to provoke national consciousness and Arab-Islamic fraternity*

*Where are the Arab and Islamic human rights organizations specializing in the fight against injustice and the dictatorship of leaders?

*American and British youth teach nations a lesson about raising awareness and having the courage to stand up to injustice*

Dozens of US universities witness peaceful protests and sit-ins denouncing Israel's war of genocide in Gaza, opposing their country's participation in the aggression against Gaza and the provision of weapons and cover policy to the war, as well as America's use of its veto in the Security Council, which prevented the adoption of any resolution to end the war, and thousands of students were arrested in unusual and violent ways, as security forces stormed universities, broke up student sit-ins, and evacuated camps by force. The world has witnessed how students and teachers have been beaten and chained, and with the student uprising spreading across Britain, observers expect the phenomenon to spread to all European countries, especially those who supported Israel's dirty war on Gaza, while speeches by US officials were boycotted, led by US President Biden, described as a murderous dictator.

These sit-ins and protests, and the use of violence to confront them, have revealed Western hypocrisy regarding democracy and human rights, and that these rights have a ceiling that cannot be exceeded if the right of expression is exercised against the Israeli war. Today, the phenomenon of protests is expanding into the largest popular confrontation against the decisions and positions of Western countries on the war against Gaza, which has led the electoral campaign team for Biden's re-election to put warns of the growing wave of protests and the possibility of them turning into public opinion in American society. It is noteworthy that this massive rejection of US policy towards the war in Gaza has extended to the traditional areas of influence of President Biden's party, which threatens the slim chances of his re-election to office. second term,

As millions of Arabs and Muslims fall into a deep sleep over Israel's genocidal war in Gaza, American and British youth teach a lesson to nations about awakening conscience and having the courage to oppose to injustice. Western society is a natural exercise in freedom of expression. On the other hand, it is a message to our people who are tired of laziness, indifference, inability and unwillingness to step up to reject Israeli violations. war of annihilation in Gaza, while the Arab and Islamic governments are incapable of playing any role, at least in providing relief to the victims, or in severing/freezing relations with the Zionist entity. We see that some of our governments provide direct and indirect support to the Gaza Strip. Israel in its war against Gaza.

This negative position seems painful and provocative for the national conscience and for the Arab and Islamic fraternity. Where are the Arab and Islamic human rights organizations specializing in the fight against injustice and the dictatorship of leaders? Where are the civil forces and political parties that have preoccupied people with meaningless statements about human rights and civil rights? Where have all these people gone? Arab and Islamic peoples have been absent from the region's most important events. No one moved against the Janjaweed invasion of Sudan, and no one rose up against Israel's war on Gaza. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Lebanon have gone and done it. People explained a period of time by their deprivation. From the expression: Because of the treacherous rulers and the people who follow the religion of their kings, where are the Arab people… where are the millions? What a shame… and what a shame…

A well-deserved salute to those who support the Palestinian people, even if only in a word, and recognition to those who stand with the Sudanese people in the face of invasion and colonization. Hello American Spring.

May 2, 2024 AD

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