The answer – Masarat – ✍️ Dr Naglaa Hussein Al-Makabrabi

Statements here and there confirm the end of the war and the victory of the army, and the American initiative wants to diminish the strength and status of the Sudanese armed forces by presenting the call for negotiations with known results, and the Sudanese people have declared their word and are still saying it (repel the rebel militias and everyone calls for negotiations or discussions that shed the blood of martyrs, rape of women, violation of sanctity, theft and looting). This is for those who know the proud and victorious Sudanese people. their soldiers and fighters mobilized in the front ranks of the opposition, waving the fluttering banner of truth.

* What is happening now should be read on the map of Sudan's foreign relations with strategic neighboring countries and friendly countries in the West, Asia and the Arab world, to whom we dedicate expressions of praise and thanks !!! Who among them do we put on the list of influences and people affected by the war !!!! Some of them want to expand their power and influence on land and sea !!! Who among them believes in his actions and words (We declare our position with Sudan, our second beloved brother country !!! And whoever plots and plots, and God plots for them, and God is the best of planners)

*Therefore, we must be honest with ourselves about our relations with countries and official and popular entities, because these are documented by a glorious history and transmitted from generation to generation as an alliance and a promise and an extension of the roots of social, human and geographical ties with a future vision that aims to develop the Sudanese existential self beyond borders. Thus, life is a sea of ​​renewal, even if the collisions are frequent and high.

*Therefore, serious thought should be given to investing the fruits of external relations in all relevant aspects of development in order to strengthen the country after the war and change the map of the previous path to an external path that carries a bright future in itself and illuminates the path for generations.

May you live long

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