The appointed governor of North Kordofan rings the bell, so who will enter the classroom? ✍️Ahmed Bakri Al-Sayyid Ahmed See More

🚨Have students and teachers abandoned schools?

⭕Who will achieve stability?

🛎️Does opening schools open the door to the death of teachers doing political work – by rejecting the decision to open schools? What happens to salaries? Note that most teachers work in marginal jobs on the market.

📚 First: Greetings and thanks to the Governor of North Kordofan – for his awareness of the importance of education and what students are going through, especially students applying for the Sudanese Certificate Exam.

In fact, all the families are very happy and happy about the resumption of school and come back to hear the bell ringing and the throats of the students singing the morning hymn, and the streets have turned into an artistic painting in the colors of the students' clothes. This is our hope, but many questions come to your mind that require convincing answers?

1: Has security stability been achieved in the state?

Certainly (no), the clashes continue, which complicates things.

2: Most schools are still full of displaced people – and are there any possibilities to provide them with shelter or will they be evicted to (somewhere) ↔️ (?)

3: There are no services – there has been no electricity for more than three months and the lack of water in schools can lift the interior facade.

4: The work system has been disrupted in all localities of the state except Shikan locality.

5: Non-payment of wages is considered the biggest threat.

6: There is a transportation problem resulting from the increase in the fare category.

7: Manual unavailable.

8: The Federal Ministry of Education has not set a date for the (Sudanese Certificate) exams, indicating that the ministry is aware of the entire situation and is concerned about the safety of students.

9: The wave of displacement and diaspora that has taken place to other regions and even outside Sudan. This makes it difficult for some students and teachers to be present in the (white) state.

10: The economic difficulties that most families experience, which allow them to meet the necessary school expenses for their children, in addition to the lack of flour, etc.

11: The great psychological impact that the war has left on the souls of many students, including fear and horror, which may not allow them to concentrate and succeed.

12: The lack of school materials, such as notebooks, bags, school uniforms, etc., in addition to the destruction to which schools have been exposed and the looting and burning of classrooms.

☠️ Therefore, a decision like this increases the suffering of the citizen who is a victim of this war. Therefore, we believe that this is an incorrect and unsuccessful decision, and he is sentenced to death.

Especially since all the localities are outside the control of the current State, with the exception of Chikan.

🫵🏻 Rushing into this decision opens the door

The door is open for teachers to take political action (strike).

💶Finally: is the state able to ensure the security of all these schools and fulfill the rights of teachers?

Providing water, electricity and sanitation, and is it able to maintain schools and provide books and childcare? But is it able to curb the ever-rising prices?

🚨A decision like this will be a disaster for the state and those in charge. Because it will backfire on you.

🤲🏻 May God guide us and guide you.

🤲🏻 May God grant us success and grant you success.

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