The armed forces of our people… the epic of a homeland and the title of dignity ✍️ Muhammad Al-Nour Muhammad Al-Khader

While history is written with pens filled with the blood of heroes and its pages are written with the fingertips of a great people who do not accept humiliation, Sudan proves once again that it is a nation difficult to break. Since the outbreak of this war which tried to devour what was left of our dreams, Sudan has stood firm, as usual, under its leadership, its people and its white army, which did not hesitate to offer everything what it had to offer to protect the earth. and preserve dignity.

The armed forces of our people, before whom our heads bow in respect and appreciation, have become a living symbol of courage and sacrifice. These heroes, who chose to sacrifice their lives for the homeland, fought not only with weapons, but with a spirit full of faith, indomitable determination and the conviction that this homeland deserves to live. The liberation of the town of Wad Madani was a scene of heroism which will forever be immortalized in the memory of this country. His release was not just a military victory, but rather a restoration of lost dignity and a message to the whole world that Sudan stands like a mountain no matter how the winds try to topple it.

But victory in this battle was not limited to our armed forces alone. An entire people stood behind this army, a people who understood that the battle was not just the battle of an army, but rather the battle of an entire nation. Men and women, old and young, rich and poor, they were all soldiers in this battle. In the markets, in homes, in schools, in mosques, a parallel battle was taking place with love and patriotism.

The mothers who say goodbye to their children with eyes filled with tears, the elders who raise their palms to the sky in search of victory, the young people who sacrifice their dreams to take up arms to defend the earth and the girls who stood in the back rows, preparing food and medicine for the soldiers, all were partners in this victory.

Today, Madani is not just a city, but rather a symbol of steadfastness, a symbol of Sudanese pride. In its streets, among its houses and in the hearts of its inhabitants, the hope of a bright future beats. His liberation was not just a liberation of the land, but rather a liberation of the Sudanese soul from the chains of pain and despair.

Dignity has returned to Sudan and hope has returned for a homeland united under one flag, a homeland in which its children know only pride and freedom. As our armed forces continue to advance, we see in the eyes of all Sudanese the flame of victory lighting the way.

Victory is not far away, it is around the corner. Whoever has these people, these armed forces and this unbreakable will will never know defeat. The Sudan that fought in the past and emerged victorious is the same Sudan that today moves forward with confidence towards a new dawn.

Our armed forces are not the only ones fighting, but an entire nation is resisting. Sudan, with its army and its people, assures the world that dignity cannot be bought and that freedom is always born from sacrifice. Victory comes inevitably, because we are a people who do not know the impossible.

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