The Armed Forces remain the Sudanese army and the safety valve, dear to hearts and anchored in minds – The battle for dignity and pride – The crocodiles of the White Nile ✍️ Mawahib Baqadi

The origin of persimmon is an untold story 000000

It is said that fire turns gold into 0000

Our soldier in the neighborhood with 000 flame helmets

It is always and forever the Sudanese Armed Forces

He will remain a defender and a rebel defending the fever of the homelands, regardless of what trembling people and the many rumors say. We see that the armed forces do not respond to them with a defender of 000. because he does not know the language of speech, but rather he knows the language of the Kalash – the Dushka – and of the machine gun – he knows (the balm, the whisper and the pounding)

The Armed Forces remain examples of sacrifice and heroism

Khazlan never bowed, and Khazlan never backed down unless she sided with a group or had a penchant for fighting. She was distinguished by her courage and endurance of difficulties.

Dear to hearts and anchored in minds

The pride of the homeland comes from its dignity, and the honor and dignity of the homeland come from its dignity. The mind doesn't know how to describe it.

The Sudanese army is the safety valve, the protector of the homeland and no matter how much we talk about it, we will not do it justice.

With honor and respect 0

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