The army is built on patience ✍️ Mawahib Baqadi

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

Whether or not the army received the Jelly Refinery

If it moves forward or remains fixed in its place

It makes no difference to us.

Because we know better than anyone that the army is built on patience

This is what sets us apart

Yes, patience in difficulties and prosperity

Be patient in the face of adversity, difficulties and temptations

So be patient, my great people, joy is coming and victory is fast approaching.

Elders will clap, mothers and sisters will sing and joy will spread, God willing

The day we've been waiting for will come

All those who left their homes and families will return

Your army, my country, will not lay down its arms until it has liberated every square inch of the homeland.

Sudanese Armed Forces

She stood up to protect her people. She rose to die so that one person might live. This country

We trust our army

Victory will inevitably come.

And the Sudanese armed forces.

You will never be defeated, God willing

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