The army is the honor and wealth of the nation… and the most capable of managing the affairs of the government… the proof is the skillful leader of the battle for dignity..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

One of the benefits of this war is that it has proven to all that the army is the national institution (most capable) of managing the governmental affairs of Sudan in all their details, including (satisfying) the requirements of state sovereignty. This (effectiveness) of leadership and the (loyalty of the people) to its army to which it has led are reflected in the immortal slogan (one people, one army), and thus the army becomes (the most important figure) in the equation of governance and politics in Sudan. Without this, power is not up to its market and is not stable … and the people understood that (political pluralism) or democracy remained (incapable) of managing the state in a way that fulfills their desires, (The so-called freedom, which they made a symbol of democracy, was not today an “alternative” to bread, medicine, security and stability, nor capable of consolidating “the will of the nation” based on the constants of “confessional”, inherited values ​​and other national choices, due to the “clash” between what is (national) and what is imported, erroneous ideas and manifestations (imported) of (employment) for an agenda foreign to others (sectarian tendencies). ) of some parties to impose their interests on others, all these facts represent the most important diseases that lead to (the crushing) of democracy every time, that is why the army intervenes It saves the country from clinical death..!!*

*The army managed to introduce historical military leaders into the regimes. They left behind their “good conduct” and people began to remember and glorify their exploits, such as Abboud, Numeiri and Al-Bashir. The popular revolutions did not spoil their “national credit” among the people to the point that many chanted for their return to power, and only those who could deny their merits (foreigners) to the pulse of the nation and (agents) who mortgaged their will to external forces that have harmed the people (both things) … and today the army provides the proof (the exceptional leader) of the battle for dignity and is accompanied by the concentrated military figures Al-Atta, Al-Kabashi, Jaber and the other leaders behind the They are joined in the battle by the heads of the security services and their soldiers (the righteous), the rest of the fighting factions of the El Fasher group (the disobedient). , the special forces, the mujahideen and the rally men..!!

*This is the Sudanese army, and it is (a great blessing) from the blessings of God upon our patient people. May God make it a (steel bulwark) that repels plots and keeps the (errors) of politics out of our way. find it in every place of honor and honor. It was and will be a (firm relationship) between the people and the army, and now the army presents to its people Lieutenant General Al-Burhan in the form of a (qualified captain), guiding the ship of the nation from victory to victory and occupying all the hearts of the people (admiration and pride), so that loyalty to the army and all its leaders, officers and soldiers increases when they are on the battlefields, rather than the menstruation and survival of the nation while it is in pride and pride, and praise be to God Almighty, before and after, for the blessing of our young army..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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