The arrival of Ethiopian Abiy Ahmed: after he ran out of tricks to get what he wanted ✍️ Dr Omar Kabo


*Our valiant army: shield and sword…extremely strong and protective*…

*General Intelligence: brilliant in his thoughts… confident in his determination… following the stars and flirting with the impossible*…

++ The culmination of what the people expect from their great army is to protect them in order to preserve honor and protect the land according to what their available capacities and capabilities dictate…

++ This is what our valiant armed forces did in the face of the armies of tyranny and tyranny… There is no country, except great Egypt and beloved Eritrea, that did not have its hand involved in the conspiracy…

++ Despite all this, our valiant forces managed to sweep the land with conspirators, and they always kept their heads high and their noses high, faithful to their promise to preserve their ancient heritage and venerable history, being one of the greatest and most sublime soldiers in the world…

++ Glory, eternity and status are shared by our National Intelligence Service, the Forum of Al-Sudad and Hama. The sun of the world and the soul of the body have risen in their work above suspicion and have risen above the ocean of desires. They always see things from an objective point of view. They are the good of the nation, its general good, the brilliance of its hope, its clear face and its smiling mouth…

++ He is the only one who was neglected by the armies of tyranny and the imams of the conspiracy did not pay attention to him. So they will be forced to regret it, even if their nose was forced to rush to apologize to Khartoum (with an embrace) which carried in its wings the brokenness, the defeat and the humble, eagerly awaiting its forgiveness and pardon…

++ This is Ethiopian Abiy Ahmed. His plane landed in Port Sudan. He was the one who mustered the energy to announce his request to the United Nations not to allow military planes to fly into Sudan for fear that their projectiles would destroy it. the Janjaweed. He arrived while Colombian generals were training Janjaweed mercenaries on his land…

++ So what happened that transformed the absolute hostility, hatred, demonization and intimidation against Sudan into ((submission)), flattery, hope and regret???!!!

++ I will not talk about the motivations that pushed him to make this sudden transformation in a country where there is no more room for secrets and where nothing is hidden from him.

What matters most to me is to prove that our great army has proven itself impossible to defeat on the ground after transforming an organized force of (220) thousand fighters into exhausted gangs incapable of confronting it, so that their dream of defeating it diminishes. to attack small villages in search of a little money, fuel and sustenance…

++ The most important thing for me is that our country has a general intelligence service that is the strongest, the strongest and the most powerful at the Arab and African levels, with an astonishing capacity for initiative, initiative, information and penetration…

++ What these two forces did ((Army and General Intelligence)) had a great impact, this is what quickly paved the way for Abiy Ahmed to come to Khartoum to ask for his friendship, to ask for his forgiveness, to seek his favor and to seek great cooperation to protect his king and preserve his security, of which Sudan has become his eastern depth and his sure weight…

++ We note that Abiy Ahmed obeyed the voice of reason, showed patience and refrained from any stupidity after turning the matter over from all angles and aspects, so he was the first to arrive in Khartoum…

++ Along the way, others will come, all submissive, turning towards Sudan, hoping for its proximity and friendliness, after having felt that it has not used (5%) the force and tactical capabilities that it possesses to allow it to impose its power…

++ The arrival of Abiy Ahmed in Khartoum is worth a golden point to the army in its fight against the Janjaweed gangs, who lose from time to time, with a scandalous loss evident on the ground and at the popular level…

++ The easiest supply and supply gates have been closed completely and forever against the Janjaweed, making their siege imminent. This alone explains the intensification of everyone's calls for Burhan to return to the pulpit of Jeddah at a time when he is doing so. has remained steadfast in the rock of his three no's, rejecting any agreement, reconciliation or ceasefire except after the Janjaweed gangs have left the homes of honorable citizens…

++ Thank you very much, our great army and our general intelligence service, because they are restoring to Sudan a lost prestige and a confident presence that was squandered by a vile and deceitful trifle named Hamdok, the day before he handed over the affairs of Sudan to the cursed devil, Volcker, and he committed his heinous act of lighting the fire of war and going dancing on the skulls of innocent martyrs…

++ Do not think too much about the motives of Abiy Ahmed's arrival, but rather think about the greatness and strength of your great army and your general intelligence apparatus, the sacrifice, the steadfastness, the fearlessness, the intelligence and the ability to invent things.

++ Our army, ((Makna))…

++Be careful, Jinn…

++ Resistance, O ((Nashama))…

*Omar Capo*

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